24 https://www.lymedisease.org/ticks-weaponized-amendment/

The House of Representatives this week passed an amendment offered by New Jersey Congressman Chris Smith, directing the federal government’s “watchdog” agency to investigate the Department of Defense’s (DOD) possible weaponization of ticks and other insects with Lyme disease during its consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 (H.R. 4350).
“In the spirit of transparency and accountability, my amendment directs the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to probe whether the Department of Defense ever weaponized ticks with Lyme disease or any other dangerous pathogen,” said Rep. Smith, the founding co-chair of the House Lyme Disease Caucus.
“Americans deserve the truth,” Smith said.
Millions with Lyme have a right to know
“The millions of Americans suffering from Lyme disease have a right to know whether any of this is true, and if any old research documents could be applied by current-day scientists to finding a better diagnostic or treatment—something that’s desperately needed,” said Smith, who has been advocating for Lyme patients and a more robust government response to the devastating disease since 1992.
Smith’s amendment requires the GAO to report findings to Congress of any DOD experiments on ticks or other insects for use as biological weapons from 1950 to 1977, including the experiment’s scope and whether any insects may have been “released outside of any laboratory by accident or experiment design.”
Similar amendments authored by Smith passed the House in 2019 and 2020, but did not make it through the Senate.
Questions raised by the book “Bitten”
The legislation comes in the wake of credible assertions made in numerous books and articles that significant research was conducted at Fort Detrick, Plum Island and elsewhere by the DOD to turn ticks into bioweapons causing severe disability, disease and even death to potential enemies.
One book—Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons by Kris Newby—includes interviews with Dr. Willy Burgdorfer, the researcher credited with discovering Lyme disease who also worked as a bioweapons specialist.
Combined with access to Burgdorfer’s lab files, the interviews suggest that he and other bioweapons specialists stuffed ticks with dangerous pathogens.
“To stop the spread of these horrific tick-borne diseases, we must first understand their origins and how they came to be so pervasive,” Smith said.
“If the investigation concludes our government’s bioweapons program did not contribute to the proliferation of Lyme, we turn the page. And if it did, hopefully this investigation and research will contribute to a cure,” he said.
Smith’s amendment now moves to the Senate for consideration as part of the National Defense Authorization Act.
PRESS RELEASE SOURCE: The Office of Congressman Chris Smith
I don't know how much longer this will stay on the site, but I'm sure it will also be on Bit Chute and Odysse and etc. A considerable and intense documentary about vaccine injury in Israel. It is hard to watch.
Sorry Dr. Nass. I was so focussed on posting the link that I forgot to give you the title. It is called the "Testimonies Project," and is produced by the Israel People's Committee.
Perhaps you could combine my two comments into one.
"ticks and other insects"
Just wanted to note that ticks are not insects. They are arachnids, more closely related to spiders than to flies.
If this sort of action is to be taken seriously, then it needs to be factually correct from the outset. Getting the basic science wrong brings the credibility of the whole enterprise into question.
What the heck is going on? Why not just take ivermectin or the valtrax anti viral for that matter. Big pharma is crazy!
the patent is up on ivermectin for merck, i think. so they need another moneymaker.
Ivermectin hasn't been under exclusive patent to Merck since 1996. There are various manufacturers of ivermectin products worldwide.
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