This blog began in 2007, focusing on anthrax vaccine, and later expanded to other public health and political issues. The blog links to media reports, medical literature, official documents and other materials.
President Biden didn't mention Molnupiravir in his State of the Union address, confining his promise of COVID therapies toPfizer's Paxlovid, the much more effective drug--but nonetheless, Merck's Molnupiravir is being rolled out and used widely. How many people know it is only 30% effective (according to its manufacturer, which usually guarantees it is considerably less effective than claimed) and can cause birth defects? The Wall Street Journal tells us that despite the facts, a lot of people are receiving this fake silver bullet. I should call it golden, since the USG paid Merck about $700 per patient.
Paxlovid costs about $700 per patient also. What do you think about Pfizer selling vaccines that no longer match current variants and provide protection for weeks if at all, and then selling the treatment required when its vaccines don't work?
A new Covid-19 pill fromMerck& Co. and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics LP has been more widely used than expected sincerolling out late last year, though regulators and many doctors consider it a last resort.
Many doctors and health officials anticipated a rival pill, Pfizer Inc.’s Paxlovid, would be the Covid-19 drug of choice. Paxlovid was found to be far more effective than Merck-Ridgeback’s molnupiravir in clinical trials, and regulators and guidelines recommended using Paxlovid if possible.
Prescriptions for the two antivirals have been running about equal since their authorization in December, however. The larger-than-expected use is a sign of the high demand for easy-to-use coronavirus treatments that can be taken at home, especially during surges like the recent Omicron wave.
More than 74,700 prescriptions for the Merck-Ridgeback pill, called molnupiravir, were filled through Feb. 25, according to drug-data firm Iqvia Holdings Inc. There were more than 79,150 prescriptions filled for Paxlovid.
Doctors said they turned to molnupiravir, especially during the recent Omicron surge, often because Paxlovid supplies were limited and some antibody drugs didn’t work against the new variant. In addition, some patients couldn’t take Paxlovid because of the potential harm from mixing it with other medicines they take.
“In a lot of our markets, the thing that we can actually get our hands on is molnupiravir,” said Dr. Ali Khan, chief medical officer of value-based strategy at Oak Street Health Inc., which has about 100 primary-care clinics in 20 states across the U.S.
Use of Covid-19 pills has dropped since the Omicron wave receded. Yet health authorities are trying to make them easy to access should cases rise again.
Under a new federal program called test and treat, some retail pharmacies will receive the pills directly from the U.S. government rather than states, and take steps to write prescriptions for people who come in and test positive to give them the pills right away.
Health authorities had looked forward to the advent of Covid-19 pills. People who are newly infected and at high risk of severe disease can more easily take the pills than antibody drugs, which usually require an infusion at a hospital or clinic.
Among the concerns: Lab testing, though not the clinical trials, suggested molnupiravir could cause birth defects. Also, there are some signs the drug’s use in study subjects led to a higher frequency of mutations in the virus, which could result in variants.
“I don’t think it should be used at all,” said Dr. James Hildreth, president of Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tenn., who as a member of an expert panel advising the Food and Drug Administration voted against authorization of molnupiravir.
All of the mutations seen in molnupiravir-treated trial subjects were in variants already circulating, and the risk of the drug leading to new variants is a hypothetical concern, said Daria Hazuda, vice president of infectious disease discovery at Merck.
“The best way to stop evolution is to stop the virus from replicating and stop the virus from being transmitted from individual to individual,” she said.
The FDA, National Institutes of Health and Infectious Diseases Society of America have recommended using other treatments if possible.
Some of the antibody drugs were pulled because they didn’t work against Omicron, however, and Paxlovid has been in limited supply while Pfizer ramps up production.
By early February, Merck had delivered all 3.1 million courses it owed to the U.S. government under a $2.2 billion agreement. So far, the U.S. government has allocated more than 688,000 Paxlovid courses to states, compared with more than two million courses of molnupiravir, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
“It comes down to what’s available,” said Dr. Ryan Laughlin, a family physician in Knoxville, Iowa. He wrote about 10 prescriptions for nursing-home residents, he said, because there was no Paxlovid at the time and it wasn’t possible to transport the residents to his hospital for antibody treatment.
Pfizer expects to produce six million courses globally by the end of this month and 30 million courses during the first half of this year. Pfizer is confident in its supply capacity for Paxlovid and its commitment to provide 20 million courses to the U.S. this year, a spokesman said.
FDA Authorizes Merck’s Covid-19 Pill: Here’s How It Works
FDA Authorizes Merck’s Covid-19 Pill: Here’s How It WorksPlay video: FDA Authorizes Merck’s Covid-19 Pill: Here’s How It Works
The FDA has cleared Merck’s new Covid-19 therapy molnupiravir, the latest antiviral that adults can take at home to avoid severe disease. WSJ’s Daniela Hernandez explains the science behind the new drug. Photo: Merck
Physicians at M Health Fairview, an academic health system with clinics across Minnesota, have written about 200 molnupiravir prescriptions—about 100 less than for Paxlovid—to save the Pfizer pill for the most at-risk patients, said Dr. Bryan Jarabek, chief medical informatics officer.
“It is still better than nothing,” he said. “If you choose to take nothing, you have to deal with the full effects of Covid.”
Raghavendra Tirupathi, medical director of Keystone Infectious Diseases and the Keystone Health HIV program in Chambersburg, Pa., said he prescribed the Merck drug to a vaccinated man in his 70s who takes heart medications that were risky to interact with Paxlovid. The man was also unable to go to the hospital for antibody treatment.
Primary Health Network, which has 43 clinics in Pennsylvania, has given 11 prescriptions of molnupiravir because patients were taking medications that aren’t recommended to mix with Paxlovid, including blood thinners, said George Garrow, chief medical officer.“This man was the perfect prototype for molnupiravir,” Dr. Tirupathi said. “He did pretty well, and did not end up in the hospital.”
Dr. Garrow said several male patients decided to forgo molnupiravir—and any Covid-19 drug at all—after they were told of its reproductive risks and were urged to use condoms for at least three months after treatment. Dr. Garrow said none of the men became hospitalized.
"Better than nothing", huh? What's the alternative, dangerous horse medicine? Wait a minute - "Molnupiravir began as a possible therapy for Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus at Emory University’s non-profit company DRIVE (Drug Innovation Ventures at Emory) in Atlanta. But in 2015, DRIVE’s chief executive George Painter offered it to a collaborator, virologist Mark Denison at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, to test against coronaviruses...."
(Not sure if this comment previously went through) "Better than nothing"? - What's the alternative, dangerous horse medicine? Wait a minute - "Molnupiravir began as a possible therapy for Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus at Emory University’s non-profit company DRIVE (Drug Innovation Ventures at Emory) in Atlanta. But in 2015, DRIVE’s chief executive George Painter offered it to a collaborator, virologist Mark Denison at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, to test against coronaviruses...."
What do we think? I think it is outrageous. I think it is even more outrageous that most medical doctors seem to be going along with it. Have most medical doctors become nothing more than highly paid drug reps? The name of the game seems to be 'what are your symptoms, take this pill'. And, if you don't have symptoms, they will prescribe an Rx (or a fake vaccine) at your wellness visit to give some symptoms they can treat. In the meantime, Fauci still has a job.
I am a board-certified internal medicine physician. I have given 6 Congressional testimonies and testified for legislatures in Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Alaska, Colorado and New Brunswick, Canada on bioterrorism, Gulf War syndrome and vaccine safety/vaccine mandates. I have consulted for the World Bank, the Government Accountability Office, the Cuban Ministry of Health and the US Director of National Intelligence regarding the prevention, investigation and mitigation of chemical and biological warfare and pandemics.
I was the first person in the world to investigate an outbreak and prove it was due to biological warfare, publishing the results in 1992. This was the world’s largest anthrax outbreak, which occurred during Rhodesia’s civil war. I was a main author, along with Robert F Kennedy Jr. and the NGO Childrens Health Defense, of a Citizen’s Petition to the FDA regarding the Covid vaccines' authorizations and their single approval, and a letter to the FDA and its vaccine advisory committee regarding the many reasons the vaccines are not suitable for children.
I am also the author of detailed articles regarding the suppression of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin for treatment of Covid, which have been read by over 50,000 people on my website, and been reprinted on many other sites. I have been interviewed by all major US newspapers, TV networks, and numerous alternative channels.
Meryl and other panelists at Anthrax Letters seminar, Washington, D.C., November 29, 2010
Meryl, enjoying spotting animals in the Thai jungle
Visiting tigers (inside the cages) in Chiang Mai
I think I'm in the wrong cage...
Night shot of a wild elephant
Canoodling at Elephant Nature Camp, Thailand
5 and 7 month olds playing
Mum and her 5 month old infant
Dusky Langur, curious about us humans in his territory
Self-satisfied Dusky Langur, after he relieved himself on me
Rhesus macaque: "I need three hands for this meal"
After swimming with dolphins at Key Largo, they checked me out at the edge of the pool
Visiting a Bhutanese Dzong, the regional seat of both government and religion (and a fort for good measure)
Why am I blogging?
Because life is meant to be lived! The left side of this blog has photos of some peak experiences. And the right side contains information about which I am passionate.
Too many peoples' lives are characterized by lack of authenticity, and fear of acknowledging and expressing their true nature. Employees cannot say what they think at work, and in the corporate system we must squish ourselves into square holes when we are round pegs. We thus lose touch with our souls, becoming cogs in a soulless, profit-driven machine.
The culture of political correctness has meant, in medicine, that we ignore how the foundations of our science are being undermined by commercialism. Clinical data generated or presented by the manufacturers of drugs, vaccines and devices cannot be trusted: there are hundreds of studies proving this. But this fraudulent information continues to be the only data informing the approval of vaccines, drugs and devices.
Unless scrupulous ethical conduct is demanded of physicians and biological scientists, our lack of meaningful standards will carry the medical-pharmaceutical system down the path of increasing irrelevance.
Medicine and its tools need to be affordable. The current medical-industrial milieu, characterized by contempt for science, countless ways for insiders to achieve wealth due to failure of good governance, and regulatory agency-to-industry revolving doors, has ushered in stratospheric pricing... further kicking us down that path to irrelevance.
Why is our new health care plan a giveaway to health industries instead of to health consumers? Why won't it cover all Americans? Why was the "public option" never an option for the Obama administration? Why did the promised Trump health plan evaporate the moment he was elected?
So many of our leaders carry a heavy burden of mendacity and avarice. If they instead got in touch with their own souls (perhaps by exposure to the natural world), or made their decisions by maximizing the amount of good that results, our leaders might find real meaning and value in their lives.
Until that happens, the only way to straighten out the current mess is to demand accountability and impose penalties on unethical/dishonest leaders. Both political parties enjoy bounteous hors d'oeuvres from Pharma's table, making it unlikely the existing political "process" will provide relief--as we've seen in the demoralizing healthcare reform drama.
Until then, I'll continue to "call it as I see it" in this blog -- working and living the way life should be, in rural Maine, far from the centers of power.
Ellen Byrne has created several designs encapsulating aspects of the FBI's ridiculous case against Bruce Ivins. They can be purchased on T-shirts and coffee mugs. All proceeds will be donated to the the Frederick County chapter of the American Red Cross, a favored charity of Dr. Bruce Ivins.
"Better than nothing", huh? What's the alternative, dangerous horse medicine? Wait a minute - "Molnupiravir began as a possible therapy for Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus at Emory University’s non-profit company DRIVE (Drug Innovation Ventures at Emory) in Atlanta. But in 2015, DRIVE’s chief executive George Painter offered it to a collaborator, virologist Mark Denison at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, to test against coronaviruses...."
(Not sure if this comment previously went through) "Better than nothing"? - What's the alternative, dangerous horse medicine? Wait a minute - "Molnupiravir began as a possible therapy for Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus at Emory University’s non-profit company DRIVE (Drug Innovation Ventures at Emory) in Atlanta. But in 2015, DRIVE’s chief executive George Painter offered it to a collaborator, virologist Mark Denison at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, to test against coronaviruses...."
What do we think? I think it is outrageous. I think it is even more outrageous that most medical doctors seem to be going along with it. Have most medical doctors become nothing more than highly paid drug reps? The name of the game seems to be 'what are your symptoms, take this pill'. And, if you don't have symptoms, they will prescribe an Rx (or a fake vaccine) at your wellness visit to give some symptoms they can treat. In the meantime, Fauci still has a job.
'Ivermectin 'Works Throughout All Phases' Of COVID According To Leaked Military Documents'!
'New Hampshire House Approves Over-the-Counter Ivermectin!'
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