From Etana's Substack:
The World’s Laboratory
That Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer coined Israel as the “world’s laboratory” is by now well known.
By any reasonable definition, one can assume that the world’s laboratory would be meticulously tracking all vaccine-related data with all the seriousness that a mass medical intervention deserves. Unfortunately at this point, almost two years after the vaccination campaign began, what we look back and find is a dysfunctional mess at the most basic levels.
Let’s begin with December 2020. The vaccination campaign began in Israel, followed closely by the rest of the world, with the elderly, at risk, and healthcare workers. The general population followed at a rapid rate. Throughout that entire first year, the most basic assumption should be that any negative outcomes from the vaccination campaign would be followed closely, with reports of adverse events taken extremely seriously, and meticulously recorded. After all, the rest of the world and Pfizer itself are relying on our data, are they not?
Well, if they were, they didn’t have much to work with. For almost the entirety of 2021, there was no functional central reporting system in place in Israel. There was a form one could send in anonymously, with no way to be tracked or contacted. At the same time, social media was getting flooded with personal testimonies of women who were suffering menstrual irregularities since vaccination. Not only was that signal not taken seriously, but the Israeli Ministry of Health (MOH) deleted thousands of comments of people suffering post-vaccination from a Facebook post of theirs. Thankfully someone archived it so the comments will live on. Just so we remember why we’re fighting so hard to reveal what went on behind the scenes, this is one tiny snapshot from thousands of similar comments back in Oct 2021 (auto-translated from Hebrew):
Finally, at the end of 2021, the MOH quietly released a new system for reporting adverse events post-vaccination, and simultaneously commissioned Professor Mati Berkowitz, a leading Israeli expert on pharmacology and toxicology from Asaf Harofe hospital, to form a team to conduct a study into the adverse event reporting system for the following 6 months as reports came in.
That study concluded in May 2022, and the story surrounding the results of the study itself, the reaction to the results by the MOH, the internal conversation between the research team and the MOH, and the manner in which they presented it to the public is deeply concerning. The various pieces of this story were researched, put together, and released by Israeli journalist Yaffa Shir-Raz and Professor Retsef Levi from MIT, an expert in health systems and risk management and a member of the Israel Public Emergency Council for the COVID 19 Crisis.
Research Team Presents
In early June 2022, there was a Zoom meeting conducted between high-ranking officials at the MOH, and Professor Berkowitz with members of his team. The meeting was to discuss the results of the study, and how to move forward. An unknown source leaked a recording of the zoom, and though it may raise more questions than it answers, the public deserves to know what was truly found in the report, and how the MOH manipulated both data and language to present it to the public.
Yaffa and Professor Levi analyzed the report and the Zoom call, and discovered the following disturbing outcomes:
The report and the findings from the report were withheld from the public by the MOH for 2 months. It was released at the beginning of August.
As mentioned above, the adverse events reports analyzed were collected beginning 12 months after vaccination, for 6 months. What the MOH then did with the results presented to them by the researchers was calculate rates of adverse events using a denominator of TOTAL vaccines administered, which is about 18 million. The majority of the population got vaccinated with 2 or 3 doses prior to the launch of the reporting system, which means the adverse events in the reports are representative of a very small portion of injections, yet presented as though it’s a comprehensive study of the vaccination campaign.
Missing from the report is the size of the population that was studied. The report indicates that this is a report done on the general population, but in reality, it only covers ~15% of the Israeli population. There are 4 main Health Maintenance Organizations, and every Israeli is a member of one of them. Only one of those HMOs, called Meuhedet, complied with the request to hand over the data collected by the reports. Again, using the denominator of all doses given, the MOH didn’t include 85% of reports in their equation.
Example: As you can see from the report itself, they refer to 18+ million doses administered. The adverse event reports that they studied numbered 8,000+, and they verified 6259 separate events. This represents the rate of adverse events to come from those numbers, however, the 6259 is only representing reports that came in beginning ONE YEAR after the launch of the vaccination, and of those, it only represents about 15% of the reports, from the one health clinic that cooperated and shared their data. With that information in mind, 6259 represents a far greater rate of adverse events than is presented.
Contrary to endlessly repeated claims by Pfizer and the MOH that there aren’t serious side effects, and side effects that do occur are short-lasting, the report doesn’t reflect that at all. They define “short-term” as lasting a few days, but 90% of the reports showed effects lasting up to 3 months, with 60% of the reports lasting longer than 3 months, some of them still ongoing.
The approval to vaccinate babies ages 6 months through 4 years came three weeks AFTER the report was submitted to the MOH. The MOH did NOT disclose the findings of the report to the committee tasked with approving the vaccine for babies.
Zoom Leaks
The video clips that have been leaked from the Zoom meeting are damning.
Part 1- Rechallenge
Professor Berkowitz can be heard discussing the concept of “rechallenge”. This is a method that proves causation between 2 events, when the reaction to an intervention re-occurs or worsens with another dose. It proves that the reaction was caused by the dose, and was not coincidental. There was a high rate of dose dependent adverse events, and the study proved causation. (The video itself has English subtitles)

Part 2- Medical-Legal Liability
In this clip, Professor Berkowitz discusses the legal liability of the Ministry of Health. Translated from Hebrew, the quote is:
“Here we will have to really think medical-legal. Why medical-legal? Because for quite a few adverse events we said: 'OK, it exists, and there is a report, but still get vaccinated'. I mean, we have to think about how to write it and how to present it correctly. So this will not yield lawsuits later: 'Wait, wait, wait, you said everything will pass and you can get vaccinated. And now look what happened to me. The phenomenon continues.”

Part 3- How Many Men Suffered Menstrual Irregularities?
If the above findings weren't as absurd as they are, I might not believe this next part. In their infinite wisdom, the MOH thought they could get away with calculating the denominator of vaccines against the reports of menstrual irregularities using the total number of adult injections. Adult. Not women. Adult. This means that men were included in the equation of how common menstrual irregularities were.

Besides their brilliance in completely messing up any semblance of a proper calculation, this video clip from the zoom is a team member explaining that they proved causality between menstrual irregularities and vaccination due to re-challenge, and that most of the reports (90%) reported long lasting irregularities.

Logic dictates that if they weren't aware of a connection between menstrual irregularities and vaccination, then they're also not aware of if or how that will affect female fertility. Yet, if we take a look at the official MOH website, the "safe and effective" narrative is still the party line, even for pregnant women. The same Professor Mati Berkowitz who conducted this research report is a signature on this report that states the Covid vaccine is safe for pregnant women.
True Journalism
This all adds to the mounting pile of evidence, anecdotes, data, and testimony for the claim that the Covid vaccines are much more harmful than they were advertised to be.
For a comprehensive conversation about these findings, please watch this interview by Ilana Rachel Daniel at Children’s Health Defense TV.
I’ve only recently begun to appreciate the role that true journalism plays on behalf of citizens. Our job as citizens who were wronged by our governments and medical establishments is to keep looking for the truth and sharing it widely. One day the work of true journalists like Yaffa Shir-Raz will hold to account those who far overstepped their boundaries in our lives.
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