I envision patients having access to lab tests, iv fluids, convalescent serum, automatic blood pressure cuffs, EKGs and cardiac monitors. Dr. Paul Farmer of Partners in Health seems to have a similar vision.
Patients would see pictures of their caregivers pasted on their PPEs. The medical equipment would be dedicated to Ebola patients, and so contamination would not be an issue. Doctors would be able to observe their patients through windows (and speak through HEPA-covered openings) in order to take adequate time making visual assessments and speaking to patients and caregivers in the "hot" zones.
I envision detailed record-keeping for each patient, which would be tremendously useful at figuring out which treatments are working better than others.
Already licensed and approved drugs could be tried in small clinical trials to see whether they seem to yield benefits in humans. Who might need steroid replacement? Antibiotics? Which ones?
Interested survivors could be convalesced nearby and enrolled in caregiver training programs. Unaffected local people could be tested for the possible presence of protective antibodies, since 8.6% of blood samples obtained in Kenema, SL between 2006 and 2008 tested positive for Ebola antibodies.

China's hospital raises the bar several notches regarding the level of care being provided to African Ebola victims. Hopefully Western governments will take up the challenge and improve further on the Chinese model.
I'd like to invite readers to submit their ideas in the Comments section as we brainstorm to find better ways to beat Ebola. I will keep this thread active and describe more about what is being created as the information becomes available. Thanks!
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