Monday, October 31, 2022
How is it possible that Rochelle believes in the sausage when she oversees the sausage-making machinery?
Saturday, October 22, 2022
The effort to sneak in WHO sovereignty over nations with pandemic planning, vax passports, masks, lockdowns, Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations amendments continues unabated
EU Sets Out Commitment to Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, Mask Mandates and “Legally Binding” Global Pandemic Treaty
The European Union has set out its commitment to the continued use of lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine passports and other restrictions this winter to control the spread of COVID-19, and also to the creation of a “legally binding” global pandemic treaty with a “reinforced WHO at its centre”.
The document, published on September 2nd and titled “EU response to COVID-19: preparing for autumn and winter 2023“, was prepared by the EU Commission (the EU executive) and sent to the EU Parliament. It reveals how much in thrall to the new biosecurity orthodoxy the EU leadership is and bodes ill for the future management of contagious disease in the bloc and globally.
On lockdowns and other restrictions, it proposes a framework of “key indicators to assess when deciding on reintroducing non-pharmaceutical measures”. These indicators include severe disease and hospital occupancy data.
It suggests mask mandates as a “first option to limit community transmission”, giving a preference for FFP2 masks.
[Face mask] use in closed public spaces, including public transport, can be a first option to limit community transmission. Recent evidence shows that FFP2 face masks, which are readily available in the EU/EEA, have a stronger protective effect than medical masks or cloth masks in the community. Member States are therefore strongly encouraged to consider their use in specific settings.
The document recommends the pre-emptive imposition of work-from-home and gathering limits before any rise in infections to try to avoid the “need for more disruptive ones such as lock downs, closing businesses and schools, stay-at-home recommendations and travel restrictions”. It stresses the need for “political commitment” to make lockdowns and other measures work.
Other measures such as working from home or limiting the size of mass gatherings have proved effective to limit transmission of the virus. When implemented ahead of increases in cases, these measures can avoid the need for more disruptive ones such as lock downs, closing businesses and schools, stay-at-home recommendations and travel restrictions. Political commitment and community engagement are key for the success and the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical measures.
The one welcome aspect of the document was the clear statement to avoid disrupting children’s education and lives any further, though even here school closures were not ruled out.
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the lives of children and adolescents affecting their everyday routines, education, health, development and overall well-being. It is therefore important to keep in mind the negative impacts of school disruptions on the health and development of children. The implementation of measures at schools should be aimed to be kept at a minimum and the further loss of learning should be prevented.
The document discourages travel restrictions (freedom of travel and the elimination of internal borders is an article of faith for the EU). However, it recommends use of the EU Digital Covid Certificate (i.e., vaccine passport, though it also recognises natural immunity) where travel restrictions are required, boasting about how widely used it is.
Member States can make use of the EU Digital Covid Certificate in case the epidemiological situation this autumn and winter makes it necessary for countries to temporarily reintroduce travel restrictions. The EU Digital Covid Certificate Regulation, which has been extended until June 2023, provides the necessary framework to manage the impact of restrictions on free movement and to facilitate travel. It ensures that citizens can benefit from interoperable and mutually accepted certificates of COVID-19 vaccination, test and recovery. In principle, holders of valid EU Digital Covid Certificates should not be subject to any additional restrictions when travelling within the EU.
The EU Digital Covid Certificate has been a major success in providing the public with a tool that is accepted and trusted across the EU (and in several third countries) and in avoiding fragmentation of multiple national systems. As of August 1st 2022, 75 countries and territories from across five continents are connected to the EU Digital Certificate system (30 EU/EEA Member States and 45 non-EU countries and territories), and several more countries have expressed interest in joining the gateway or are already engaged in technical discussions with the Commission. This makes the EU Digital Covid Certificate a global standard.
The EU Digital COVID Certificate system is sufficiently flexible to adapt to the evolution of the COVID-19 response. Possible adaptations to the validity period of certificates issued for the first booster may become necessary in light of further scientific evidence and the evolution of the pandemic.
What this fails to mention, of course, is any rationale for the passes. What’s the point of restricting the travel of the unvaccinated (or not-sufficiently-vaccinated) when the vaccinated are no less likely to spread the disease? This key question is entirely unaddressed.
On vaccination, it provides 15 “objectives”, “priorities” and “actions” for COVID-19 vaccination strategies. These include the “priority” of encouraging take-up of the original vaccine (that’s right, for the extinct Covid strains) among all eligible children and adolescents, and an action point of making sure GPs are spending enough of their time vaccinating people (don’t they have anything else to do?). It suggests administering boosters as often as every three months and implies they are little use after six months. It also encourages governments to counter “misinformation” in the media to ensure “clear, consistent and evidence-based messaging demonstrating the continued safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines”. It links worries about vaccine safety with “anti-Western and anti-EU narratives” and with websites which also go off-narrative on the Ukraine war. The vaccine action points include (emphasis mine):
- Continue national COVID-19 vaccination strategies using the currently available vaccines to reduce hospitalisations, severe disease and death.
- Close vaccination coverage gaps. Improving vaccine uptake of the primary vaccination course and first booster dose among eligible individuals, including eligible children and adolescents according to national vaccination schedules, remains a priority. This is of particular importance for population groups at higher risk of severe outcomes and for countries with lower vaccination rates.
- Maintain sufficient vaccination capacities, either by reactivating vaccination centres or by using other resources, such as general practitioners.
- Prioritise the administration of an additional booster dose (second or subsequent) for specific population groups: people aged 60 years and over and individuals of any age at risk of severe disease (e.g. individuals with underlying comorbidities, immunocompromised individuals and pregnant women). The boosting of healthcare workers and long-term care facility personnel should also be considered. Subsequent boosters could be administered as early as three months after the previous one, and priority should be given to people who received their last booster more than six months ago.
- Closely monitor the effectiveness and safety of the [new and] adapted vaccines once widespread rollout commences. If needed, national vaccination strategies should be adapted when more evidence on the performance of these vaccines becomes available.
- Implement and, if possible, coordinate effective communication initiatives and strategies to promote uptake of additional vaccine doses, and promote completion of the primary series by those who have not yet done so. Clear information should be provided around the rationale for recommendations, and the benefits of the primary course and boosters for different population groups, including for those who already had the disease.
- Ensure that capacity is in place to regularly update public communication strategy, based on epidemiological developments, changes in the public’s perceptions and attitudes of the ongoing pandemic and COVID-19 vaccination, including the capacity to monitor and swiftly respond to false or misleading information.
- Increase vaccine confidence by monitoring and addressing the public’s questions and concerns, explaining the science behind the recommendations and debunking mis- and disinformation in the mainstream media and on social media. Clear, consistent, and evidence-based messaging demonstrating the continued safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines is key. Target hard-to-reach population groups through tailored communication and draw on health professionals and community leaders as trusted sources of information.
- Address the political dimension of vaccine hesitancy and disinformation campaigns linked to anti-Western and anti-EU narratives. Particular challenges include channels where disinformation is circulating in relation to other crises, especially the Russian military aggression against Ukraine.
The document emphatically reinforces the EU’s commitment to a new “legally binding” pandemic treaty with a “reinforced WHO at its centre” and commits over half a billion euros (equivalently dollars and pounds) to making it happen.
Lastly, the EU believes it is vitally important to build on the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and to strengthen the global health architecture – with a reinforced WHO at its centre. The EU is determined to be a driving force in the negotiations on a new, legally binding, international agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response and on targeted amendments to strengthen the International Health Regulations 2005. These complementary processes are a priority for the EU and provide a historic opportunity to find multilateral solutions to common challenges, based on the principles of collective solidarity, equity, fairness, inclusiveness and enhanced transparency. Moreover, the new Financial Intermediary Fund (FIF) for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response, to which Team Europe has already pledged at least €588 million, will provide funding to support pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, including the implementation of the amended International Health Regulations and the new international agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
The document also trails a forthcoming “EU global health strategy” which “will provide the political framework with priorities, governance and tools, enabling the EU to speak with one influential voice and making the most of Team Europe’s capacity to protect and promote health globally”.
This is a very disturbing document. For those of us who still hold to the evidence-based pandemic strategies of pre-2020, premised only on mitigating impacts by expanding emergency healthcare capacity and finding safe and effective treatments, and not imposing intrusive, harmful and unproven methods of trying to prevent the spread of a disease that is anyway harmless to most people, this all bodes ill indeed for the current direction of travel.
Friday, October 21, 2022
I was asked to post the URLs to watch Day 1 of my med board hearing (and the Oct. 25 hearing day)
Both URLs below will get you to the hearing. Thanks for watching and supporting me. Day 2 starts at 9 am on October 25 and I will post the livestream location as soon as I can. This is a public hearing so it may be viewed by the public.
The same CHD URL will be used on Tuesday 25th for Day 2 of my hearing
Thursday, October 20, 2022
This is what the Board of Licensure in Medicine said about me
Here is the claim in a nutshell. The order of Immediate Suspension stated,
"The Board concludes that the continued ability of Dr. Nass to practice as a physician in the State of Maine constitutes an immediate jeopardy to the health and physical safety of the public who might receive her medical services, and that it is necessary to immediately suspend her ability to practice medicine in order to adequately respond to this risk."
This is what a letter to the Editor published today said about my ability as a physician:
Dear Editor:
I would like to express my support for Dr. Meryl Nass and her quest for the reinstatement of her medical license. She is a highly regarded internist who truly understands the “big picture.” She has treated both my sister and me successfully for complex issues unnoticed by our primary caregivers. She also literally saved my elderly father’s life. He was misdiagnosed with renal disease, causing heart failure. He was hospitalized and appeared to be going downhill fast. Because it was the weekend, his primary doctor was not available. The on-duty hospitalist, Dr. Nass, immediately recognized the real problem as something different and prescribed an alternate treatment with positive results. My father quickly rebounded and went on to live for several more years.
I believe Dr. Nass’s focus on COVID treatment and skepticism of the vaccine-only orthodoxy has played out to be well founded. Her suspension was little more than political theatre and I hope for her reinstatement and vindication when clearer heads prevail. Good luck, Dr. Nass.
Tom Marinke
CDC: The old vaccine does not work. Get new bivalent booster. It might.
"Vaccine effectiveness against latest variants declined to 29% at 4 months after third dose"
[At the CDC's advisory committee meeting yesterday and today, not a word was said about how the new bivalent booster was working. That is not good news for people who volunteered to be the first homo sapiens to receive the injections.--Nass]

A monovalent mRNA booster dose offered "limited" protection against COVID-related hospitalizations from the currently circulating Omicron variants, a CDC analysis found, likely due to the waning effects of the vaccines and potentially more immune evasion with BA.4/BA.5.
In immunocompetent adults, vaccine effectiveness (VE) against hospitalization with three doses of mRNA vaccine dropped from 69% (95% CI 62-74) during the BA.1/BA.2 period to 31% (95% CI 7-49) during BA.4/BA.5, reported Diya Surie, MD, of CDC's COVID-19 Emergency Response Team, and colleagues.
CDC's advisory committee on immunization practices will vote at 1:20 pm today to put the covid vaccines on the childhood schedule. Expect a unanimous yes vote
The committee members were presented with CDC’s fait accompli today by hearing a very bland presentation of the “edits” to the childhood, adolescent and adult immunization schedules.
Buried among dozens of “edits” was the inclusion of COVID-19 vaccines to the childhood and adolescent schedules, which is to be rolled out in February. But was posted to CDC’s website on October 17, 2022, before the ACIP’s approval.
When the CDC briefer, a strongly accented Dr. Wodi, was asked how CDC could add an EUA (unlicensed) vaccine to the schedule, she said something like, “We checked with OGC [Office of General Counsel] and they said it was okay.” And that was that. No legal justification. No moral or ethical justification. And definitely no medical or scientific justification.
In fact, yesterday the Director of of CDC’s Immunization Division, Dr. Jose Romero, said that CDC was not putting the COVID vaccines on the childhood schedule (yet). He said that at 3 pm yesterday. But by 9 am today that was exactly what CDC revealed it was doing. His “YET” lasted for all of 18 hours. Or one might more correctly say he was a lying SOB and I don’t mean short of breath.
AND they are getting prepared to recommend monoclonal antibodies for all children under 8 months of age at a future meeting, as well as recommending RSV vaccines.
This is regulatory agencies and their advisory committees gone amuck. Time for the people to stop consenting. Now there is no question whether these are public health professionals carefully considering decisions for 334,000,000 people. They are careerists who love vaccines and are blind to the consequences of their actions. Blind is putting it charitably.
Yesterday, Jose Romero, who is the Director of CDC’s National Center for Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases, said this is not about the childhood schedule. You can listen to Drs. Santoli and Romero and read the slides at 6 hours 31 minutes and draw your own conclusions.
My live blog for yesterday and today is here:
At 1:25 pm, the committee voted unanimously 15-0 to put the COVID vaccines on the childhood schedule.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
2 weeks after the Nordstream pipeline sabotage, 2 undersea warfare experts get awards. Bad timing?
They work for a "nonprofit" govt contractor associated with JHU and one of Ms. Blodgett's specialties is undersea mine warfare. No, I don't think they had anything to do with Nordstream. But isn't it funny how anything can be a nonprofit these days?
BTW, this "nonprofit" made our esteemed Director of National Intelligence a Senior Fellow in 2018.
October 12, 2022
Johns Hopkins APL Experts Recognized by Undersea Warfare Community
Berry, Blodgett Honored for Critical Leadership, Technical Contributions
Jon Berry and Lisa Blodgett of the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, were honored recently at the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) 2022 Undersea Warfare Fall Conference, held at the U.S. Naval Submarine Base in New London, Connecticut. Berry, APL’s Anti-Submarine Warfare program area manager, was awarded the Bronze medal, and Blodgett, head of APL’s Force Projection Sector (FPS), received the Vice Adm. Charles E. Weakley Award.
As the winner of NDIA’s Undersea Warfare Bronze medal, Berry was recognized for outstanding individual achievement in science or engineering in the field of undersea warfare. Berry’s experience includes active and passive acoustics, sonar system design and development, sonar performance modeling and test planning and execution. He currently leads development and evaluation of active capability across submarines, surface ships and surveillance platforms.
“Jon’s leadership in the undersea warfare community, and specific notable contributions in active acoustic technology development, make this a well-deserved honor,” said APL Sea Control Mission Area Executive Christopher Watkins. “He leads a dedicated cross-organizational working group to drive the future of active sonar capability across the fleet.”
Berry began his APL career more than 30 years ago as a systems engineer and has extensive experience on low frequency active (LFA) and compact low frequency active (CLFA) systems for U.S. Navy surveillance, delivering critical analysis to support development of towed-array sensor systems and LFA and CLFA programs. As program area manager for Anti-Submarine Warfare at APL, Berry guides a diverse portfolio of anti-submarine warfare efforts spanning exploratory science and technology through platform acquisition and modernization.
The Vice Adm. Charles E. Weakley Award is given annually by the Undersea Warfare Division to a distinguished individual for meritorious service and noteworthy contributions to effective government and industry communication in the field of undersea warfare. Blodgett is the second APL leader to receive the award since its inception in 1974.
“Lisa is innovative in every endeavor she leads,” said APL Director Ralph Semmel. “We are thrilled that she is being acknowledged by the technical community for her dedication and contributions to our nation’s defense.”
As the head of FPS, Blodgett oversees three mission areas focused on ensuring warfighter success. She has more than 30 years of experience in undersea warfare, including submarine warfare, anti-submarine warfare, mine warfare and the strategic deterrence mission of the SSBN force. As an expert in digital signal processing and passive sonar, she helped develop the capability to evaluate operational sonar systems in the Navy’s Advanced Processing Build/Acoustic Rapid COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) Insertion efforts.
“It’s an honor to contribute to the advancement of our nation’s defense,” said Blodgett. “These critical contributions benefit our service members, citizens and the country. I look forward to continuing this important work.”
Blodgett co-chairs the Submarine Technology Symposium and serves on the NDIA Undersea Warfare Division advisory council and Naval Submarine League board of directors. She is also member of the U.S. Strategic Command Strategic Advisory Group and chairs the Nuclear Command Control and Communications Task Force. She served on the Defense Science Board Task Force for Next-Generation Unmanned Undersea Systems and also served on the Submarine Superiority Technical Advisory Group. Before becoming sector head in 2015, Blodgett led APL’s Sea Control Mission Area.
Media contact: Katie Kerrigan, 240-761-9046,
The Applied Physics Laboratory, a not-for-profit division of The Johns Hopkins University, meets critical national challenges through the innovative application of science and technology. For more information, visit
Saturday, October 8, 2022
FLCCC INaugural Conference on Treating COVID vaccine injuries and long COVID Oct 14-16.
Understanding & Treating
Spike Protein-Induced Diseases
October 14-16, 2022
Orlando, Florida
The FLCCC Alliance presents its inaugural conference to bring together the top experts in the field of pathology, evaluation, and treatment of spike-induced diseases. Lectures will focus on the pathogenesis of spike-induced diseases, diagnosing both long COVID and post vaccine syndromes and the latest, most effective approaches to treatment. The conference will gather some of the nation’s foremost COVID experts and healthcare providers to learn, share and network — and most importantly to drive greater attention and awareness of the increasing number of patients afflicted with post COVID and post vaccine chronic conditions, many of which are not getting treatment today.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Healthcare providers, but all who have an interest and want to stay current on these topics are welcome.
DATES: October 14-16, 2022
CEO, MedHelp ClinicsTentative Agenda
Friday, October 14th:
- 4-6 pm: Arrivals and Registration
- 6:00 pm: Cocktails and VIP Networking Dinner
- 6:30 pm: Opening remarks and conference introduction by Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik
Saturday, October 15th:
(All lectures will be 30 minutes in length, followed by 15 minutes of Q&A)
- 8-9 am: Registration and Continental breakfast
- 9:00 am: Welcome – Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik
- 9:15 am: Dr. Ryan Cole – Molecular and immunological pathogenesis of spike-induced disease
- 10:00 am: Steve Kirsch – Epidemiology of vaccine injuries across the globe
- 10:45 am: MORNING BREAK
- 11:15 am: Dr. Paul Marik – Overview of the I-RECOVER Vaccine Injury Protocol
- 12:00 pm: Dr. Pierre Kory – My experience treating spike-induced disease. What works!
- 12:45 pm: BOXED LUNCH
- 1:15 pm: Dr. Mobeen Syed – Autophagy: Intermittent fasting, resveratrol, and spermidine
- 2:00 pm: Dr. Keith Berkowitz – Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for spike-induced disease: Why and How!
- 3:00 pm: Dr. Suzanne Gazda – Neurological impact of spike-induced disease and an approach to treatment (pre-recorded)
- 3:45 pm: Dr. Flavio Cadegiani – Diagnosis and treatment of endocrinological indications
- 4:30 pm: End of Day 1
Evening Dinner on Own
Sunday October 16th
- 8:00 am: Continental breakfast
- 8:30 am: Dr. Meryl Nass – Evaluation and management of mitochondrial dysfunction in spike-induced disease and chronic fatiguing illnesses
- 9:15 am: Dr. James Thorp – Characteristics & management of reproductive issues in women with spike-induced disease
- 10:00 am: MORNING BREAK
- 10:15 am: Dr. Jordan Vaughn – Micro-clotting in spike-induced disease: How to diagnose and treat
- 11:00 am: Dr. Yusuf (JP) Saleeby – Activation/Reactivation due to COVID-19 and Vaccine
- 11:45 am: BOXED LUNCH
- 12:00 pm: Dr. Paul Harch – A practical guide to hyperbaric oxygen therapy in spike-induced disease
- 12:45 pm: Dr Asher Milgrom – The role of apheresis, ozone, and other therapies in refractory cases
- 1:30 pm: Dr. Kory & Dr. Marik – Summary and Concluding remarks
- 2:00 pm: Conference Ends
The conference will be recorded in its entirety and copies will be available for purchase after the event.
Horowitz: 5 shocking new studies and data points that nuke the COVID shots
summary, we have highlighted the pitfalls of having considered until
now COVID-19 mRNA vaccines as just conventional vaccines, and we have
indicated the preclinical, clinical and post-marketing safety
assessments that are most urgently needed. COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are
actually pharmaceutical drugs, and consequently their pharmacokinetics
and pharmacodynamics, and possibly also their pharmacogenetics, must be
properly characterized to provide a solid background of knowledge for
their rational and targeted use, thus stopping ‘playing dice’ with these
products due to the misbelief that the same vaccine at the same dose is
good for everyone, and that adverse effects occur just by chance.”
Those were the words of Italian researchers in a recent pharmacological analysis of the COVID shots published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences nearly two years after these products were foisted upon 5.35 billion human beings – often multiple times – under the false pretense of the jabs acting like vaccines. Who will be held accountable?
Every day, news pours out about the lack of safety and ineffectiveness of the shots, but they fail to move the needle on policy. It is unclear what it will take to get these biological agents pulled from the market, but here are some of the most recent bombshells proving the shots are extremely unsafe and ineffective:
Autopsy shows extensive brain and heart damage: Nearly two years into this mass genocide, global governments have refused to conduct widespread autopsies on those who died suddenly shortly after getting the shots. They have also rebuffed calls to release the data and analysis on those autopsies they did conduct. One can only imagine what we would learn about the extent of the danger, but now we have a glimpse from an autopsy of a 76-year-old man with Parkinson’s disease who died three weeks after receiving a third dose. The case study published by German pathologists in the prestigious journal “Vaccines” found severe inflammation in the brain tissue and heart attributable to the shots.
The pathologists used immunohistochemistry, which utilizes staining techniques to light up only specific antigens, in this case only the spike protein native to the shots, not the nucleocapsid protein from the virus. What did they find?
“However, histopathological analyses of the brain uncovered previously unsuspected findings, including acute vasculitis (predominantly lymphocytic) as well as multifocal necrotizing encephalitis of unknown etiology with pronounced inflammation including glial and lymphocytic reaction. In the heart, signs of chronic cardiomyopathy as well as mild acute lympho-histiocytic myocarditis and vasculitis were present” (emphasis added).
Importantly, they only found spike antibodies without any nucleocapsid antibodies, meaning that this individual was only exposed to the shots, not to the actual virus. Until now, many pharma apologists blamed the rash of sudden encephalitis and myocarditis cases on the virus, but as the authors note, “The findings corroborate previous reports of encephalitis and myocarditis caused by gene-based COVID-19 vaccines.”
Although he died following his third shot in December 2021, interestingly, the man already “experienced pronounced cardiovascular side effects, for which he repeatedly had to consult his doctor,” after his first shot (AstraZeneca) in May 2021 and “increased anxiety, lethargy, and social withdrawal” after his second shot (Pfizer) in July 2021. He seemed to decline rapidly even before the third shot, suffering “severe motor impairment and a recurrent need for wheelchair support.” The man in the study “never fully recovered” from the shots by the time he got his booster in December.
Two weeks after the third vaccination, he “suddenly collapsed while eating dinner” without “coughing or any signs of food aspiration.” If not for his family paying for an autopsy, we would not have this information about a cause of death that likely occurred in countless thousands of other young and old vaccinated people.
With findings like this, how can every case of a sudden death post-vaccination not be immediately investigated with pathology to determine if this phenomenon is occurring in a significant portion of the population? Where is the emergency to get ahead of this and detect, diagnose, and treat people before it’s too late? After all, only 5.3 billion people are potentially affected.
Negative efficacy galore: Imagine engaging in societal apartheid and persecuting those who didn’t get the jabs on the assumption that they are spreaders of disease but then discovering that, in fact, the opposite is true? I’ve been reporting on negative efficacy for over a year already, but now we have a Kaiser Permanganate study that shows negative efficacy of the shots against all variants within 150 days. And this study shows the more you inject, the more you infect; specifically, over time, those with three doses fare worse than those with two.
The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons posted a Twitter thread with numerous studies published throughout the past year showing a similar trend of negative efficacy resulting from the shots.
One of the likely culprits for negative efficacy is that the shots prime the body to respond to a version of the virus that has long since changed, thereby making the natural immune response misfire. Supporters of endless jabs will suggest that this is why they created the new bivalent shot for BA.5 (the one that was studied in eight mice and no humans). However, an entirely new variant is already surging, rendering this shot just as irrelevant and likely counterproductive. According to the CDC, BA.4.6 now represents 13% of all COVID-19 cases and is rising sharply, with some other variants breaking out as well.
Negative efficacy even against death: Well, at least the shots still work against critical illness, right? Wrong! Deaths have largely plummeted across all groups given that Omicron is not nearly as pathogenic as the previous versions of the virus, but data continues to show the overwhelming number of deaths to be among the vaccinated. It turns out that in the month of June, 92% of all COVID deaths in Canada were among the vaccinated, even though they composed a slightly smaller share of the population (85%). Even more telling is the fact that 81% of the deaths were among those who had three or more doses, even though those individuals only account for 34% of the population.
Neonatal deaths: Remember when Scotland suffered a sudden rash of neonatal deaths last September? At the time, 21 newborns had died in a month, triggering an investigation because the numbers rose above an upper control limit for the first time in four years. Neonatal deaths hit 4.9 per 1,000 live births, on a par with levels that were last seen in the late 1980s. This was an astounding phenomenon, yet the investigation yielded no cause other than disproving COVID as a culprit. But notice that the COVID shots were never investigated. Well, now the data is triggering another investigation, as at least 18 newborns died within four weeks of birth during the month of March 2022, the equivalent of 4.6 per 1,000 births. Here is the trend line from Public Health Scotland:
Notice the spikes above baseline beginning right around the beginning of 2021 and accelerating in two peaks later on. What major biological product was mass-distributed around that time? Obviously this alone doesn’t prove any causation, but the fact that we know the spike protein goes into the reproductive system and breast milk, menstrual irregularities are ubiquitous, so many countries are experiencing record low birth rates around the same time, and these shots are otherwise extremely inflammatory in the adult population, wouldn’t you think there would be some interest in investigating the shots as a potential suspect?Just how bad are the menstrual and gynecological problems? One recent survey of 6,049 women from May 16, 2021, through December 31, 2021, right after most young women got the shot, found 292, or 4.8%, of the respondents self-reported a case of decidual cast shedding (DCS). DCS is a rare gynecological disorder in which a woman sheds her entire uterine lining intact through the vaginal canal as if she were having menstrual bleeding. It is so rare that the authors of this paper could only find 40 documented cases in 109 years.
It’s not like the government doesn’t have blaring and glaring safety signals on reproductive health, either. As of late September, there were 5,055 miscarriages reported to VAERS and 11,598 instances of vaginal/uterine hemorrhaging. Remember, miscarriages are extremely hard to pin on the vaccine, so the fact that so many felt they could report it demonstrates there is likely a woeful underreporting rate. While none of this directly proves the shots are primarily responsible for the neonatal deaths, it would be ludicrous not to carefully investigate them as a culprit.
Other countries experienced this problem as well. In Iceland, deaths among infants doubled in 2021 from the baseline level of the preceding nine years. Several Israeli hospitals saw similar trends in stillbirths and miscarriages.
Adverse events in nursing babies: We already know that the therapeutic can pass through the mother’s milk from lactating women who get the shots. Now, a new study published in JAMA, which was bizarrely designed to make the shots look safe, actually reveals that 3.5% of the women reported a decrease in breast milk supply and 1.2% reported “issues with their breastmilk-fed infant after vaccination.” They decline to describe the nature of those issues, but the fact that they can so casually report this as if these numbers are good news is shocking.
in mind that the swine flu vaccine was pulled from the market in 1976
after 1 in 100,000 experienced Guillain-Barre syndrome. The fact that
these shots could be forced down people’s throats, including pregnant
and nursing women, after such relatively high percentages of adverse
events defies logic.
Yet it’s now clear the medical community and the government knew this shot was problematic from day one. Already in early February 2021, a local Fox affiliate in Salt Lake City reported that the Society of Breast Imaging rolled out a new protocol for women to wait for mammograms after getting the shots after they discovered 11% of those who got Moderna’s first dose and 16% after the second dose experienced inflamed lymph nodes. They knew such a high percentage of hyperinflammation is abnormal and portends trouble, particularly for breast cancer and lymphoma, yet they simply pushed off mammograms rather than raising the alarm about the cause of the inflammation.
No wonder the Pfizer CEO declined to appear before an EU parliamentary hearing on the shots. There’s an endless litany of crimes against humanity he must answer for. But what is our excuse for not holding all the people in government and medicine accountable in the U.S.? One could have feigned ignorance in early 2021, but now we are light-years past the threshold for willful misconduct. How much longer will we allow the government to “roll the dice” with the lives of all humanity and even their future offspring?My medical board hearing starts October 11 at 1 pm EDT and will be livestreamed. I will be the first witness
The Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine next week will hold a hearing related to the board’s Jan. 12 suspension of Dr. Meryl Nass’s medical license.
CHD.TV will livestream Nass’s hearing on Oct. 11, 1 p.m. Eastern. You can watch here.
Nass’s original suspension order included accusations of spreading “misinformation.” However, the board on Sept. 26 withdrew six of those accusations and, on Sept. 30, withdrew more of its factual allegations related to “misinformation.”
Next week’s hearing will focus on Nass’s prescribing of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to treat COVID-19 and on record-keeping issues.
There are no patient complaints for the board to review.
According to her opening statement, Nass will introduce 286 pages of e-mails and letters from her patients and others, attesting to her competency, care and responsiveness to patient needs.
You can read two of the board’s recent notices withdrawing various complaints (second and third notices), Nass’s opening statement to the board and defense counsel’s timeline of events that led to her suspension.
Commenting on Nass’s suspension, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) President and General Counsel said:
“The Board’s attempts to censor physicians like Nass have no role in medicine or science. They present a grave danger to the health and human rights of all Americans.”
CHD is supporting Nass’s defense. Testifying experts will include: Harvey Risch, M.D., Ph.D., professor emeritus in epidemiology at Yale University; Dr. Paul Marik, pulmonary and critical care specialist; Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccine technology; Dr. Pierre Kory, intensive care specialist; Dr. Steven Katsis, surgeon and member of the Oklahoma Medical Board.
Prior to her suspension, in November 2021, Nass wrote to the board asking it to define what it means by “misinformation” and “disinformation,” and to clarify what statutory authority the board has to discipline physicians on the basis of undefined transgressions.
Nass wrote the letter after the board issued a position statement in which it said:
“Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license.”
The board did not respond to her letter, Nass told The Defender today.
Suspended without a hearing
The board suspended Nass, an internist with special interests in vaccine-induced illnesses, a biological warfare epidemiologist and member of the CHD scientific advisory committee, after accusing her of “unprofessional” and “disruptive” behavior based on her public criticism of government COVID-19 policies and early treatment of the virus.
Prior to her suspension, throughout her 40 years of practicing medicine, Nass never had a malpractice case or a prior board action taken against her.
However, between October and December 2021, the board received four complaints against her.
Two of the complaints came from strangers who cited “misinformation” they saw on the internet, one came from a physician who accused Nass of prescribing “deworming medication” (ivermectin) and one came from a midwife regarding Nass’ prescribing hydroxychloroquine.
Without a hearing, the board ordered her license immediately suspended, demanded a neuropsychological evaluation and implied that she was mentally impaired or a substance abuser and incompetent to practice medicine.
Nass’s Maine counsel, Gene Libby and Tyler Smith, moved to dismiss all charges and asked the board to apologize to Nass for what they characterized as its unfounded case, intended to silence Nass and like-minded physicians who used effective early treatments for COVID-19 instead of advising their patients to do nothing until or unless they became ill enough to require hospitalization.