Thursday, December 30, 2021

While the WaPo moans and groans about the unvaxed causing hospitals to overflow with Covid, note that Covid admissions are only half what they were in Januaryt

And I do not recall all the doom and gloom back in January 2021 about overcrowding and lack of staffing.  WaPo claims hospital staffing is only down 2%-4% overall, but the lack of staffing is due to employee illnesses and overwork.  

Don't tell me that the CMS brain trust couldn't put together the fact this infection moves in waves, and that their unconstitutional mandate wasn't going to turn things critical when the next peak came. 

It is astounding that in the same article, this new surge in cases is being blamed on the unvaccinated, while the result is hospital overflow due to staff shortages, so they say.

100% vaccinated healthcare workers are missing work because they caught the virus. How can that be blamed on the unvaccinated?  But I guess if you are still reading the WaPo after 2 years of Pandemic, you are probably not a logical thinker.

(Yes, I read it so you don't have to.  Just joking.)

1 comment:

  1. One person in the US may have died from Omicron

    On my weekly vaccine team call, I asked the group the question, “How many people in the US have died from Omicron?” Everyone thought it was zero.

    Two deaths worldwide from Omicron. It’s panic time.

    They were wrong. Apparently there might be one death, but it isn’t clear if they were killed by Omicron itself or simply died with Omicron. I think it is the latter since the person already had COVID and recovered and he wasn’t vaccinated (which would have depressed his immune system).

    This is not an isolated incident however. There was also one other death case in the world: in the UK where a man died with Omicron (not from Omicron).

    So two deaths in the world so far with Omicron. There may be more.
