Friday, April 29, 2022

Yesterday, I felt really honored when 3 major alternative media reprinted my article on the same day! Here is what I have been up to.

Dr. Mercola, Patrick Wood's Technocracy News and the Epoch Times all republished my article on the same day!  This one:

COVID persists, but the COVID vaccine narrative has taken on so much water, the powers that be have stopped bailing, and are going to let these vaccines slowly sink. But what do they have in store for us next?

It has over 40,000 reads on Substack.  Google tells me it has only 895 views on this site, but I am not sure I believe them.  

To let you know what else I have been up to, I am on CHD TV every Friday on its Roundtable at 2:30pm EDT.  I also pop up on other CHD shows from time to time.

Last week I spoke at a Freedom rally in Augusta, Maine.  

I will be a speaker at the Scandinavian Freedom's Northern Light conference the weekend of May 13 in Malmo, Sweden.  I just found out tonight that you can attend online.  However I will be there in person.

I was on Dan Astin-Gregory's podcast the other day. I went into great detail regarding the failures of drug/vaccine regulation and why they occur, which you may find of interest.  I suggested ways to improve things in future. I also veered off into the food supply, education, and how people are coming together to improve things, locally.

My Medical Board hearing has been scheduled for September.


  1. Dr Nass MD, Congratulations on the recognition.
    Bon Voyage, for Wonderful Trip to Malmo!! Bon Appetite, mmmm Restaurants Stews & Fresh North Sea Dishes!!!!
    Malmo Sweden Info,
    Sunrise/Sunset Daylength Astronomical Twilight
    May Sunrise Sunset Length Diff. Start End
    13 5:01 am 9:08 pm 16:07 +3:45 3:01am. 11:10pm

  2. You felt honored because you WERE honored!
