Saturday, January 8, 2022

The Medical Licensure Board meets this Tuesday, Jan. 11 on Zoom. My attorney anticipates I will likely lose my license at the meeting.

As best I can determine, 2 people I don't know complained to the Board of Licensure in Medicine that I spreading misinformation on the internet (in 2 interviews).

Then over about 3 week, the board requested information on 3 patients, all of whom I had treated for acute COVID with hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin or both.  There was no report that any of the patients had complained.  At least one doctor (two patients were admitted to hospitals) apparently complained about my treatment, but the Board did not supply me with any information or complaints regarding my treatments.

I was told that the Board will consider multiple cases at its meeting, and that I have no opportunity to present any information directly to the members at the meeting, verbally or in writing.

If my license is removed, I will have an opportunity to present to the Board at a hearing in a month's time.  

I found it of interest that the hit piece with no clear identification of anything I had done wrong, except lie to a pharmacist so he would dispense a legal drug (ivermectin) off label for a legal presecription--all of which is legal--about me by Maine Public Radio, and my affidavit regarding the falsehoods expressed by the head of the Maine CDC, had made it into my file with the Board.


  1. You are too good for them. Our profession is most profoundly dead. Thank you for being an antidote to the propaganda . I’ll pray for blessings for you on Tuesday.

  2. Dr.Nass,

    I cannot imagine the depths of despair and disbelief you must feel are swallowing you up right now. All I can think is that you are being called to a higher order. Your integrity will stand the test of time. Peace be with you and thank you for bravery.


    A loyal follower

  3. If it’s any consolation they can’t take away your education or your birthday and Galileo died under house arrest for being right.
    Love you Dr. Nass ❤️

  4. I’m so sorry to hear that might happen, I hope you may be able to appeal. I’m just 75 years old and only want to live long enough to see fine doctors like you (decent people) vindicated. Maybe I’m just a foolish old man.

  5. You are pissing somebody off. I am unable to text this link. Tried twice. (Verizon to Verizon).

  6. As a fellow physician, I have made peace with the possibility of losing my license. Standing up for personal integrity and doing the right thing will always prevail as long as the flame of humanity burns within us. I support you and everything you are doing.


  7. Very sad news. I look up to you and have learned so much from you.

  8. That's outrageous. If they do, I can't help but wonder whether they would have actually gone through with it had Maine Public and the Portland Press Herald not put them up to it with their vicious public smears.

    Will you or your attorney have the chance to air your side during this meeting itself - the crucial context whereby you were put in the position of having to lie to a pharmacist, and correcting the record regarding the allegations and insinuations of spreading misinformation?

    Thank you, Dr. Nass for your courage and all you have done on behalf of patients (one of whom I happened to meet in person this New Years Eve), the public, and the cause of justice!

  9. As they say, if you are taking flak, you must be over the target.

    I can only offer the moral support of an ordinary citizen. I wish I could do more. Regardless of the License Board meeting results, please keep writing and informing us.

  10. Dr. Nass, This is very concerning for someone like myself who values you as an honest doctor, not tied to an official narrative, but instead practicing real medicine and remembering your oath: first, do no harm. If there is anything we can do as patients to defend you to the board, please post it on your blog. I am tired of the corruption in the medical industry. Those who feel the same way need to ban together and hire Dr. Nass to be our personal physician. We are going to have to figure out a way to step outside of the never-ending covidian insanity and tyranny, and set up parallel structures for true healthcare. Who is with me?

  11. This meeting is Monday Jan. 11 2022, begins 8 a.m.
    Publicly accessible via ZOOM / and by phone, too.
    Complaints are #4 item on agenda, of which there are 17 total to be heard; two were crossed out.
    Agenda does not state which allegation, by MD name, rather, by code numbers. [Minutes from previous meetings, that would indicate what occurred at a board meeting: do not indicate MD by name, either, rather, only by code # only, but with any disposition: in some cases they are tabled, in others no action taken]

    State of Maine
    Board of Licensure in Medicine
    137 SHS, 161 Capitol Street
    Augusta, Maine 04333-0137
    January 11, 2022 8:00 a.m.
    ZOOM MEETING ID: 868 7985 5924
    A call-in only option is available by dialing 1 646 876 9923 and using meeting ID 868 7985 5924


  12. I don't know the law, but it should not be unlawful for a physician to tell a pharmacist that a prescription is for Lyme rather than Covid-19 in order to ensure the patient gets the chosen drug. What ought to be unlawful is for the Maine Board of Pharmacy to threaten pharmacists not to prescribe lawful FDA-approved drugs (see BOARD STATEMENT #01-2021, 9/28/2021). Beyond the legal question, the Pharmacy Board's action is certainly immoral and unethical.

    Dr. Nass, your recent testimony to the New Hampshire Education Committee is completely logical and accurate. If that sort of logic, factual accuracy, and depth of wisdom is viewed as misinformation by the Maine Board of Licensure, then we are all living in a frightening upside down world.

    -Rob Lord, Falmouth, Maine

  13. Dear Dr. Nass,
    Thank you for your courage and standing up for what's right!
    How can we help? Perhaps donate money or send a check to you. Is there a link you can provide? Of course it has to be <$600, due to IRS draconian surveillance of all transactions above that sum.
    Love you!

  14. Very sad to learn of this. Since, for whatever perverse reason, you are not permitted to defend yourself at this Jan. 11 "kangaroo court" of a meeting, will your attorney at least have the chance to speak on your behalf?

    Am hoping all the same that your license will be protected, somehow.

    Sending you all the best and much love.

  15. Corrupt American Medical Association, led by Gerald E. Harmon, MD,
    President of AMA embarked on a campaign completely at odds with science and public health.

    Dr. Nass has become one of Harmon's targets, via the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine -- that is swallowing Harmon's dangerous, cult-like prescriptions.

    In the Maine Board's Fall 2021 newsletter, from Maroulla S. Gleaton, M.D., Chair. . .Gleaton wrote in newsletter: "The BOLIM encourages physicians and physician assistants to address Covid-19 misinformation when encountered. The American Medical Association (“AMA”) supports the fight against Covid-19 misinformation, and provides resources for physicians that explain how to counter misinformation, and why it is important to do so."

    This newsletter is at

    Gleaton includes a direct URL LINK to the AMA, a letter from Harmon, in this Nov. 2021 newsletter -- "Roughly 99% of deaths linked to COVID-19 in this wave—and the vast majority of those with severe symptoms that require hospitalization—have come among patients who were not fully vaccinated," Harmon stated!

    This is Harmon, from Sept. 27, 2021 AMA letter, with "Dr." Harmon acting out an apparent cult fantasy, -- how else can one describe such a despicable lie?

    Gleaton cannot sit in judgement of Dr. Nass on Monday, Jan. 11, and Gleaton is a fool, and much worse: recklessly using the Maine Board to lie to the public, wittingly or not, and using Dr. Cult Harmon's fantasies in the Maine Board's newsletter!

    Gleaton apparently has no idea what the data are vis. Vaccine Failure, aka 'breakthrough's data. How can Gleaton sit in judgement [or any on that board] of any doctor, given such stupefying ignorance they put their names to?

    The Gleaton link to the Harmon misinformation campaign to lie about Vaccine Failure, fully endorsed by Maine Board, includes the below, written by Harmon:

    "As physicians, and in an effort to ease the tremendous pressure on our nation’s health system, the AMA urges the cooperation of media outlets—TV, print and online—to tell the truth about the safety and efficacy of these COVID-19 vaccines, the rigorous research and review process behind them, and to be voices for science and evidence for their audiences.

    "Reporting on unproven and potentially dangerous treatments for this virus, including ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and other treatments that have not been scientifically validated, confuses the public and puts lives at even greater risk."

    There you have it.

    Dr. Nass is being pursued by vaccine fantatics, who themselves belong IN an insane asylum, or at least, should not be anywhere near any adjudicatory board deliberating on alleged MD malfeasance.

    According to meeting minutes of the Nov. 9, 2021 State of Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine meeting minutes, the board's Executive Director Dennis E. Smith states, in ED report:

    A. Unlicensed Practice of Medicine
    The Board reviewed information regarding vaccine exemptions allegedly issued to patients located in Maine by two physicians who are not licensed to practice medicine in Maine. Following review and discussion, Ms. Genova moved to issue cease and desist letters to the
    physicians and notify jurisdictions where the physicians hold licenses. Ms. Weinstein seconded the motion.
    A roll call vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.
    Dr. Gleaton: For
    Mr. Ross: For
    Ms. Dench: For
    Dr. Fay-Leblanc: For
    Ms. Genova: For
    Dr. Nesin: For
    Dr. Waddell: Not present
    Ms. Weinstein: For

    Maine Board meeting minutes can be found at

    Smith's report on above, at p. 19 of the 42 page meeting minutes document.

  16. You need to get injunctive relief. All these proceedings are in violation of the laws of natural justice and must be suspended. Do they have the power? NO. There is no charge without specificity and no conviction without trial.

  17. What a backwards world! You know you are on the right side of history, and you have been for a long, long time ... Would phone calls /letters on your behalf be helpful? You take great care to not misinform. Yet, backwards world ...

  18. The comments are extremely helpful. Thanks! I will study the links tomorrow.

    I am betting that free speech will prevail eventually.

    And don't miss Craig Spencer's 4 minutes of offical charts from 3 governments demonstrating we are now facing a pandemic of the vaccinated.

    So this is no time to stop fighting. The facts have caught up with the narrative, and the narrative is going down.

    I really do feel sorry for Sonya Sotomayor. She is a high risk person and she has been scared out of her wits. Fear works like nothing else. She is not stupid. She is working from her chambers while in a state of panic.

    Why didn't the attorneys presenting against mandates provide her the data on safety and efficacy? It was painful to see how they narrowed their arguments, almost as if they didn't want to win.

  19. Dear Dr. Nass,

    I am praying for Blessings for you, I know that you will prevail!

    Sending best wishes,

