Saturday, January 15, 2022

"Frequent Boosters Spur Warning on Immune Response"/ Bloomberg

This story has been suppressed by most mass media, but is critically important.  Europe's FDA, the European Medicines Association, has admitted that boosters can harm the immune response.  

The reason this is being published is to soften the blow from multiple countries' databases that the vaccines are now leading to "negative efficacy"--in other words, vaccination INCREASES your susceptibility to getting COVID.

The mechanism is not clear in the case of COVID vaccines; there are several possible mechanisms on the molecular and cellular level, but this is a phenomenon that has occurred before and led to vaccines being removed form the market.  Mostly animal vaccines.

I will explain more when additional information are available.  These rather frightening data on COVID vaccinations were available to the Supreme Court and will be available to state legislatures and other entities as they make decisions about further COVID vaccine mandates, which make no sense in light of the fact the vaccines are clearly harmful.

Frequent Boosters Spur Warning on Immune Response

Tracking Covid-19


New cases reported worldwide, Jan. 13


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Most new cases today


Vaccine doses administered in 184 countries

"European Union regulators warned that frequent Covid-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible.  

Repeat booster doses every four months could eventually weaken the immune response and tire out people, according to the European Medicines Agency. Instead, countries should leave more time between booster programs and tie them to the onset of the cold season in each hemisphere, following the blueprint set out by influenza vaccination strategies, the agency said. 

The advice comes as some countries consider the possibility of offering people second booster shots in a bid to provide further protection against surging omicron infections. Earlier this month Israel became the first nation to start administering a second booster, or fourth shot, to those over 60. The U.K. has said that boosters are providing good levels of protection and there is no need for a second booster shot at the moment, but will review data as it evolves. 

Boosters “can be done once, or maybe twice, but it’s not something that we can think should be repeated constantly,” Marco Cavaleri, the EMA head of biological health threats and vaccines strategy, said at a press briefing on Tuesday. “We need to think about how we can transition from the current pandemic setting to a more endemic setting.”
The EU regulator also said at the briefing that oral and intravenous antivirals, such as Paxlovid and Remdesivir, maintain their efficacy against omicron. The agency said that April is the soonest it could approve a new vaccine targeting a specific variant, as the process  takes about three to four months. Some of the world’s largest vaccine-makers have said they are looking at producing vaccines that could target new variants." 


  1. 1.) Many doctors who have performed Complete Blood Count and Automated Differential tests on double Covid 19/SARS2 “vaccinated” people are reporting that their patient’s Adaptive Immune systems are compromised causing a type of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Any number of dire medical conditions will arise if the Covid 19/SARS2 “vaccinated” population’s immune systems are compromised.

    There is data on several suspicious Covid 19/SARS2 “vaccine” batches.
    Anyone who has received the Covid 19/SARS2 “vaccines” 'should request their doctor to perform Complete Blood Count and Automated Differential tests' to determine if their Adaptive Immune System has been damaged by Covid 19/SARS2 “vaccines”.

    2.) Of the 22 people who died; '14 were vaccinated' and 'eight were not vaccinated'.

    Official Covid death totals from New South Wales for January 12th.

    3.) Fauci’s Financial Disclosures Released: “Career Civil Servant” And Wife Worth '$10.4 Million.'

  2. 82% of all Omicron cases occurred in fully vaccinated.

    A study examining Omicron [and previous "waves"], using data from Capetown Province [region of ~7million] in South Africa shows 82% of all "fourth wave", i.e., Omicron cases are those fully vaccinated.

    It was published Wednesday this week, Jan. 12, 2022 at

    Study, funded by Bill Gates Foundation, sought among other things: to decipher whether the shots lowered severity of illness, decreased hospital, and death.

    "We aimed to compare COVID-19 outcomes in the Omicron-driven fourth wave with prior waves in the Western Cape," it says, that "included 5,144 patients from wave four" [data analyzed was actually n=5,104].

    This study says: "In wave four, 38% and 5% of all COVID-19 cases were fully or partially vaccinated respectively."

    It state there is "moderate SARS-CoV-2 vaccination coverage (39% and 46% of adults fully vaccinated in South Africa and the Western Cape respectively by end December 2021)"

    Of the 5,104, the results reported 1,925 fully vaccinated, or 37.7% in sample.

    Assuming a random sample of 5,104, with statistic that 46% fully vaccinated, then the maximum count = 2,347.84, if 100% all contracted Omicron.

    1925/2347.84 = 82% of total infected.

    This explains why masks and vac and other forms of coercion are not working: Omicron evades these measure, in more than 8 in 10 of those fully shot up -- according to this study.

    Is it a stretch, at this point, to state: 171.2 million of the 208.8 million in USA fully shot up have, had, or will soon contract Omicron?

    This would bring natural acquired immunity.

    And an end to two years of nonsense, to put in mildly.


  3. Thank you as always for this info., Dr. Nass.

    Here is the 1/11/2022 EMA press briefing in its entirety (have to qualify it as "still on YouTube as of 1/17/2022"):

    Starting at about 21:57, Victoria English from MedNews(?) asked Dr. Cavaleri a couple questions about subsequent boosters (“repeated vaccines”). This is where Dr. Cavaleri talked about subsequent boosters possibly having a negative impact on the immune system — the part flagged by the Twitter arm of the propaganda machine as “Misleading” on at least one Twitter post of his reply ( -- click the "play" button on the video).
