Monday, December 20, 2021

Green Party Steering Committee overstepped in its support of mandates


Green Party Assembles Circular Firing Squad With its Support of Mandated COVID-19 Jabs

By Lauren Smith on Dec 20, 2021 08:26 pm

On December 8th the Green’s nine-member Steering Committee, its administrative arm, released a press statement in support of mandatory Covid-19 jabs. In one fell swoop, it rebranded and denigrated the Greens to just another captive corporate political party that echoes the pharmaceutical industry’s narrative “your body, my choice”.

However, there is hope. As explained by Trahern Crews, a spokesperson for the Green’s National Black Caucus, the Steering Committee’s press release is not representative and was thereby unauthorized—since it departs from the Green Party’s 10 Key Values, its platform planks and was not voted upon by the National Committee. […]

The post Green Party Assembles Circular Firing Squad With its Support of Mandated COVID-19 Jabs appeared first on CovertAction Magazine.


  1. Thank you for sharing this, Dr. Nass. So glad that the Green Party's National Black Caucus has spoken out against this (pasting this link in, because I had trouble finding it --

    Some good news and a nice counter to the tons of insanity being heaped on us by our government and the mainstream media.

  2. Thanks DR. Nass for spreading the word that there are some in Green Party who have been paying attention and not only in Black Caucus by the way!
