Monday, August 23, 2021

Ivermectin--FDA scaring people away from ivermectin by invoking the animal medicine, which costs a tiny fraction of the human price and does not require a prescription. And about that midazolam order...

By the way, ivermectin is FDA-approved for humans as well as animals.  Used off label by humans it has been very effective against Covid.  It has established antiviral effects as well as immune modulating effects.  From today's NY Times:  

“Taking large doses of this drug is dangerous and can cause serious harm,” the F.D.A. said.

The Mississippi State Department of Health alerted its residents that “animal drugs are highly concentrated for large animals and can be highly toxic in humans.”

Some of the symptoms associated with Ivermectin toxicity include rash, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, neurological disorders and potentially severe hepatitis that could require hospitalization, Mississippi health officials said.

Mississippi, which has seen a surge in COVID cases recently, reported 5,048 cases on Friday. Hospitalization and death rates have also been rising.

Yet the human drug cost a patient of mine over $100 per day on Friday--yet it is cheap to make.  FDA staff are trying to guilt trip people into not treating themselves with tweets like the one below.  The FLCCC human dose is 0.4 mg/kg per day, or 30 mg daily for 5 days if you weigh about 165 lbs.  Don't take large doses.  Take the correct dose.

This drug is doled out free to 325 million Africans yearly without a prescription, without a doctor, without any followup by the US company Merck. 

Do not use it if you have a drug interaction, which can be reviewed at this site.

By the way, did you see how the UK was wholesale killing the elderly with large doses of midazolam and narcotics? There are multiple articles on this, documenting that Health Minister Matthew Hancock purchased an order for what would normally be 2 years' worth of midazolam (a high potency valium equivalent) at the start of the pandemic.  I guess we don't have to speculate about whether some powers-that-be want us dead... at least, the useless eaters.


  1. Pssst....better keep quiet about India.

  2. Really, FDA? "Y'all?" How condescending and unprofessional. They mock the desperate people they helped create by blocking access to the useful HUMAN version of the drug.

    And what about this drug, Ivermectin. FDA, you approved it for human use decades ago. Merck gave away billions of doses to the continent of Africa to cure River Blindness. Did Merck give a "dangerous" drug to these people? Obviously not. So why the misinformation? It comes back to what a previous commenter said, "fear, incompetence, greed and hubris"; with an emphasis on the last three.

  3. My horse hates the apple flavored paste... so here's what I do; for my horse, I don't dose her with Ivermectin all the time, only when I think there may be a case of parasites coming on. Otherwise she is usually fine with the full protocol of 10,000IU D3, quercetin phytosome, Zinc, NAC, Niacin (1 gram full flush), curcumin (high bioavailability type), Host defense mushroom formulations, Iota Carageenan nasal spray, etc, etc. But when I see a worm or two in her poop, I jump into action. If you drill a 1/8 hole (outward) in the syringe cap for the apple flavored horse paste, you can (with care) dispense a fine enough stream of paste such that it can be directed into the long end of an empty 000 gel cap (available at your local health food store). My horse will take a few pills with water, so that's easier than trying to get her to eat paste. As always, mind the dosing since the horse paste is formulated and calibrated (on the syringe scale) to 0.2 mg/kg dosing, and you may want to double that to be super sure you take care of those nasty parasites. Good thing Ivermectin is so safe. Who knew horse care could be so subversive?

  4. Ivermectin has a fairly wide safety margin in most species, but there are limits; and all bets are off when you take it repeatedly and frequently at dosages above those known to be well tolerated, and with formulations not intended for frequent redosing.

    Its safety depends not just on the dose taken but also on how long it takes for a dose of that particular formulation to be metabolized and eliminated from the body. The ivermectin horse paste syringes in the US typically contain enough ivermectin to treat a 1,250-lb (570-kg) horse at a dose rate of 0.2 mg/kg, and the dosing mechanism (dial or tab on the plunger) is designed accordingly. It is very difficult to be precise in foals, small ponies, and Miniature Horses. It would be even more difficult when dosing for a person.

    But even within the target species (horses), peak plasma concentrations of ivermectin are highly variable amongst individuals (4- to 5-fold difference) with these oral paste formulations. Furthermore, it can take anywhere from 2 hours to 36 hours to reach peak plasma concentration, depending on the individual and on the diet. This individual variation is fairly unimportant when we're giving a single dose to treat internal parasites. But these paste formulations are designed to have somewhat of residual effect, and here is where problems arise with repeated dosing.

    With the typical paste formulation of ivermectin for horses, the mean residence time in the plasma is about 3 days (in horses), and the elimination half-life averages 4-5 days (in horses). In fact, ivermectin is still measurable in the horse's plasma for about 3 weeks after a single oral dose of a paste formulation. It is not active as an anthelminthic agent for the entire 3 weeks (its efficacy tails off fairly quickly); it's simply that the molecule is still measurable in the bloodstream for that long with these oral paste formulations.

    So, if you were a horse, I would not recommend you take even the standard dose (0.2 mg/kg) of an oral paste formulation every day. Every 3 or 4 days would probably be safer. If you were a horse. I have no data - and no advice - on these formulations in humans.

  5. I was aware of the midazolam issue, but oh my god, that video of the woman trying to get her mother out of that home, it makes my blood boil. If I were in that situation I don't think I would be able to control myself. I wouldn't leave without her.
