Saturday, May 15, 2021

My new website, and news

I am trying to turn into my primary website and will do so as soon as possible.  Thanks for alerting me to problems with the (Google) blogspot site and warnings about its content. I am not as internet savvy as I should be. 

Coming:  Wednesday May 19 am the hearing on Emergent BioSolutions, which has been misnamed on several occasions in the media as Emergent BioSciences.  It used to be called Bioport.  The name errors are likely related to a desire to hide from its reputation.

Also, watch for a Citizen Petition going to FDA very soon--full of substantive, bad and probably illegal behaviors (wilfull misconduct?) on the part of FDA since the start of the crisis.

1 comment:

  1. Meryl; I imagine/hope that somehow you have protected all your past material/writing!!!? Lynn B
