Thursday, February 25, 2021

NY Times tries to scare us on new mutations while cases drop drastically

The NY Times would have us believe New York has a new, dangerous mutation.  It has been there since November and has been found in 4 boroughs and Westchester. The vaccines may not work as well against this mutation:

"A New Coronavirus Variant Is Spreading in New York, Researchers Report

"...several studies have now shown that variants containing the E484K mutation are less susceptible to the vaccines than was the original form of the virus. The mutation interferes with the activity of a class of antibodies that nearly everyone makes, Dr. Nussenzweig said.

“People who have recovered from the coronavirus or who have been vaccinated are very likely to be able to fight this variant off, there’s no doubt about that,” he said. But “they may get a little bit sick from it.”'

Be afraid, be very afraid. 

Until you actually look at the statistics to find that despite whatever mutations the experts can find, things in New York state are going extremely well regarding Covid, according to data assembled by the CovidTracking Project, below.  Despite all the mutations that may be circulating, just look:  cases, hospitalizations and deaths are rapidly dropping.  Ignore the hype.


  1. Meryl, could it be that these variants will cause another large spike in about 6-14 weeks or so? I hate the fear-mongering too. I do mask and I am on the I-Mask+ protocol for prophylaxis and prevention of Covid-19, so elegantly explained by the heroes at Frontline Covid Critical Care Alliance. But I guess there could be another big surge in Spring. Maybe some people don’t think this will happen. I guess time will tell. Meanwhile, I will avoid the “vaccine” since I don’t yet have faith in it until post-marketing studies are well and duly in! Thanks for your site here. I love reading it. Cheers. ML, FNP ret.

  2. If you look at the info on CA I posted today, it turnes out that the majority of current cases are due to the mutant strain. Therefore, if the mutant was really as bad as the LAT suggests, cases would not be dropping like a stone.

    Might other mutations cause additional spikes? Depends on the mutations. Because our data and our tests are unreliable, we are still in the dark as to the extent of damage from Covid. If everyone with it was treated early, what would morbidity and mortality look like?

    I recommend to my patients that they get the disease then immediately treat it, and they are likely to then obtain durable immunity.

  3. I’m a bit too chicken to expose myself deliberately. But I do trust my prophylaxis, so I guess I’ll just stick with that. This is much too weird of a virus with all its potential for vascular damage, for me to expose myself or suggest it to others. Not to mention, the haulers who are all in a special kind of hell.
