CDC says flu vaccines prevent flu, on average 40% of the time, but even if you do get flu, the vaccine makes it less severe. But when these two claims were tested in Australia, neither was found to be true. The Australian study found that (in 17 hospitals over 7 recent flu seasons) there was no reduction in flu symptom severity in those who had been vaccinated versus those who had not.
The study also found, using a case-control design, that the vaccine averaged 31% effectiveness at preventing the flu. Earlier flu studies have been rightly criticized for ignoring the "healthy vaccinee" effect. The healthy vaccinee effect refers to the fact that, overall, elders who receive flu vaccine in the US are a healthier group than elders who do not receive flu vaccine... possibly because their doctors felt they were too frail to risk a side effect. If the authors did not take this factor into account (and the whole article is behind a paywall so I could not read the details) then the actual efficacy might be considerably lower.
The study also found, using a case-control design, that the vaccine averaged 31% effectiveness at preventing the flu. Earlier flu studies have been rightly criticized for ignoring the "healthy vaccinee" effect. The healthy vaccinee effect refers to the fact that, overall, elders who receive flu vaccine in the US are a healthier group than elders who do not receive flu vaccine... possibly because their doctors felt they were too frail to risk a side effect. If the authors did not take this factor into account (and the whole article is behind a paywall so I could not read the details) then the actual efficacy might be considerably lower.
Clinical Infectious Diseases,
Published: 06 January 2020
So what happened to all cause mortality? Did vaccination leave them more vulnerable to other diseases or issues (indirect causes of mortality such fainting or dizziness causing falls or crashes)?