Monday, November 3, 2014

"The AP and other press outlets have agreed not to report on suspected Ebola cases until a positive viral RNA test is completed"/ Forbes

And that could be why we are hearing so little despite multiple suspected cases around the country.

Sunday, Nov. 2, someone recently returned from Liberia developed a fever, and was hospitalized at Duke.  The publicy learned about this because a doctor at Duke is also a Forbes journalist, who had not signed on to the blackout agreement.  Here's the story.


  1. I kept asking myself an important question about a week and a half ago...and I havent' been able to answer it.

    I then started asking all kinds of professionals at my hospital the same question (including the senior administrators with whom I have meetings).

    No one has really given a satisfactory answer, which either means that my ability to be convinced is too high, or there's a big elephant in the room.

    So I ask the question to you (Meryl, and others): with every public and private healthcare agency afraid of the teeniest little violation that could set them back millions of dollars, and with a population that surely would never want its name publicized and smeared if ever they had a serious health condition, how is it that everyone seems to know the names of these Ebola patients?

    It's highly illegal to release such information and the family would have a vested interest in it not going public. So where is the media learning of these names and discussing the care and status of any of these patients? Why are the hospitals releasing statements that are obvious HIPAA violations to even the newest healthcare janitor?

    Please, set me straight.

  2. Thanks again for your continued integrity and courage to present the facts and the truth Dr. Nass. :) - MCB from Disqus

  3. I smelled a rat.

    Thanks for the info. Found you through Zerohedge.
