Sunday, February 17, 2013

Flu Season Nearly Done/ CDC

national levels of ILI and ARI


  1. Meryl, do you have any sense of what the percentage is (% visits for ILI) that the health departments declare is flu season? Some of us are tired of the charade of wearing masks at work.

  2. The links in the sidebar don't work (e.g. to your paper on anthrax in Zimbabwe)

  3. According to CDC's FluView, the %ili last week was under 3%--and flu was only widespread in NJ, VT and NV.

    But according to state epidemiologist opinions (characterized by the final graphic on the page) the flu remained widespread almost everywhere last week.

    Another way of looking at the mask issue is in reference to a recent flu vaccine efficacy estimate of 46%.

    If 54% of HCWs who were vaccinated are not protected, why aren't vaccinated HCWs wearing masks too?

    But of course there are no studies showing the masks prevent nosocomial spread. They are simply a punitive measure to enforce vaccinations of uncertain benefit and risk.

  4. I will try and replace the broken link this weekend. The Zimbabwe paper should be accessible. Sorry.

