Saturday, January 29, 2011

David Kelly: 5 items found on his body had no fingerprints! / Daily Mail

It might not be murder, but there was definite hanky panky at the scene of David Kelly's death.  Not only did the knife, the water bottle and the pill package on Dr. Kelly's person lack any fingerprints.  Turns out his cell phone and a watch had also been wiped clean.  Since there were no gloves at the scene, Kelly could not have cut his own wrist, causing an arterial hemorrhage allegedly sufficient to cause death, and left no fingerprints.  Did Kelly try to call for help, and have his cell  phone grabbed by his attacker...who perhaps touched the watch as he sliced at Kelly's wrist?  From the Daily Mail:
Further questions have been raised over the death of Dr David Kelly after police admitted that two personal items found with his body – his mobile phone and a watch – did not have any fingerprints on them.
The news brings the number of objects without fingerprints at the site where the weapons inspector’s body was discovered to five – the other three being the knife he allegedly used to slash his wrist, the packs of pills he is said to have overdosed on, and a water bottle...

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