Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Anthrax Questions/ Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

The U.S. Senate must help America get to the bottom of the post-9/11 anthrax attacks.
The FBI hasn't produced convincing answers. It had to pay damages to former government scientist Dr. Stephen Hatfill for wrongly labeling him a "person of interest."
It can't convict the government scientist it now blames, Dr. Bruce Ivins, because he took his own life amid FBI hounding.
And a National Academy of Sciences review of FBI scientific evidence, which the FBI itself ordered, isn't finished.
Yet the Obama Justice Department says it's a closed case.
As Cliff Kincaid of America's Survival Inc. notes, the FBI seems hellbent on exonerating al-Qaida. And left-leaning mainstream media have focused on domestic, preferably right-wing suspects -- despite evidence that al-Qaida strove to add anthrax to its arsenal.
So the Senate must follow the House's lead and require the intelligence inspector general to determine whether credible evidence exists of a link between a foreign entity and the anthrax attacks.
Mr. Kincaid chillingly points out that the FBI's handling of the case raises doubts about both its own practices and U.S. readiness for biological terror attacks. Without solid answers about the anthrax attacks, those doubts will only grow.


  1. There are many scientists with the capability of growing and purifying anthrax. Will anyone be able to eliminate the potential threat of bio-weapons ? If the gov't wasn't growing it and experimenting with it, then it probably wouldn't have been utilized in the first place. Biological weapons have been used throughout different periods of history unfortunately. When someone decides to commit evil, they will. There is no possible way for the US gov't to protect everyone from every potential possibility of exposure to BTW by governments including our own, or by freelance radicals.


    Main Site:

  3. Sound familiar ?

  4. Miitary Websites- Dugway and other BTW experiments on military personnel and civilians.
