Monday, June 4, 2007

Anthrax vaccine related to multiple cancers and other illnesses:

Army statistics provided to Institute of Medicine in 2001 but never published

What conditions are found much more often after anthrax vaccinations? The list is surprising, and (unsurprisingly) women are especially affected. This series of 3 tables does not give us the raw data, instead providing data that has been statistically adjusted by the army. Where does this data come from?

Benign breast lumps leading to hospitalization occurred a whopping 9 times as often after anthrax vaccinations as before. Breast and genitourinary cancer hospitalizations occurred more than 3.5 times as often. Abnormal PAP smears led to hospitalization more than 5 times as often after vaccination.

Hospitalizations for nerve damage in the arm--usually the vaccinated arm--or several damaged nerves (mononeuritis multiplex) occurred 1.6 times as often. Eyelid problems leading to hospitalization occurred more than twice as often. This is no joke. Draining, purulent eyelids appear to be a common consequence of anthrax vaccination, and the reason is obscure. Optic neuropathy leading to hospitalization occurred nearly 3 times as often after vaccination. This condition is usually autoimmune, and many cases later develop into multiple sclerosis.

Dermatophytosis is a fungal skin infection. It resulted in hospitalizations nearly 5 times as often after vaccination. Is this a consequence of impaired immunity to fungal infection?

Some illnesses made the list because they simply occur more often during deployments, like malaria, cholera and typhoid. Anthrax vaccinations are required for soldiers who deploy, but not required for other troops. Others illnesses may be miscoded. Many males have reported testicular inflammation after anthrax vaccine, which may lead to low testosterone levels, loss of interest in sex, and difficulties conceiving. (I have evaluated a number of males with this problem.) Perhaps some of these cases were miscoded as hydrocele, which is associated with fluid on the testis but is not due to acute inflammation.

Look at the second table: there are a list of cancers that caused hospitalizations more often after anthrax vaccine. Female uterine cancer hospitalizations were more than 4 times more common after vaccination. Gallbladder and bile duct cancer hospitalizations were nearly 3 times as common.

Blood clots seem to be related to vaccination. Both hospitalizations for portal vein thrombosis and "acute pulmonary heart disease" (pulmonary embolism) are more common. So are hospitalizations for varicose veins, and "injury of blood vessels of upper extremity" which may represent miscoded episodes of deep vein thrombosis.

Here are additional Tables from the Army Medical Surveillance Activity on illnesses pre and post-vaccination.

Anthrax vaccine seems to cause very unusual illnesses and patterns of symptoms that cannot be found in medical textbooks. This might be why nonspecific diagnostic codes are used more often in hospitalizations after vaccination, such as: "other disorders of stomach and duodenum," "other disorders of the respiratory system," "ill-defined descriptions of heart disease," "symptoms involving nervous and musculoskeletal," "other nonspecific abnormal findings," and "complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified." These diagnoses need to be sorted out, so we can discover precisely what kinds of complex illnesses are due to the vaccine.

It is also important to note that, overall, vaccinated soldiers did not have more hospitalizations than unvaccinated troops, or than they did prior to vaccination. Thus it appears there are specific diagnoses, or clusters or symptoms, that vaccinated troops develop at relatively high rates, which unvaccinated troops develop at much lower rates. However, because there seem to be dozens of these diagnoses, rather than just one or two, it has been harder to pin the relationships down. Compounding this difficulty is the military's failure to release hospitalization and outpatient data since 2001.

Here is the way these data were presented in the 2002 IOM report on anthrax vaccine. Each URL represents one page in the report. To get a printable pdf version, click on "printable pdf page" next to the page number:

An HHS-DOD "Anthrax Vaccine Expert Committee" examined 1841 VAERS reports for the government, which had been reported to FDA between 1998 and 2001. This committee found that there was one report for every 282 vaccine recipients. Again, women were disproportionately represented, reporting three times as often as would be expected if there were no gender difference. Flu-like symptoms and rashes often tended to recur with subsequent doses. The Committee's report can be found here. Over 5200 people have now filed VAERS reports for anthrax vaccine.


  1. I was in the United States Marine Corps from 1996-2000. In 1996, we were forced to receive the Anthrax vaccination. Several years ago, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and have read a significant amount of data related to MS and the Anthrax Vaccine. Do you think this is possible?

  2. The 2002 IOM report on anthrax vaccine noted that MS was more common in vaccinated females--there was supposed to be a recommendation to look into this further. It never happened.

  3. Do you think that the MS could be from the anthrax vaccination?

  4. I was in the Army from 97-2004 and ha 2 series of Anthrax vaccinations. I am now 26 years old with the testosterone levels of a 70 year old (150). How can I find proof that the Anthrax vaccinations are the cause so VA will cover hormone replacement therapy?

  5. I do not think a single published study has been done on this subject. However, it is possible the Vaccine Healthcare Center can help you, as they may have looked into it, without publishing anything.


  6. I've been in for ten years and have had eight anthrax shots. after the third I started having stomach pain and gaining weight. Fatigue and headaches have added to that over the years. I keep being told there is nothing wrong with me but I'm at my wits end. I really think it was the shots. Its either that or Afghanistan. both are at the beginning of my stomach issues. have you heard of anything?

  7. Yours are typical symptoms in people who become ill following anthrax vaccines. If you would like to discuss this in more detail, you can call me at 207 412-0004.


  8. Dr. Nass, First of all I'm originally from hello neighbor. I am retired from the Army with 22 years of service from May 1976 to June 1998. Since my retirement I've been diagnosed with several different conditions such as prostate cancer and AFib. I received 3 Anthrax shots during Desert Storm. My question is can the Anthrax vacinations in along with other toxins and environmental hazards encounter during the Gulf War (Kuwait oil well fires, depleted uranium ammunition, chemical and biological agents, etc) increase the likelyhood of service connected disabilities?

  9. Very hard to prove that one thing caused a particular disease. I actually wrote a post on this issue several years ago. Suggest you try to find it and read it, as it explains the complexity. If you want to discuss it with me, the phone number is 207 412-0004

  10. Dr. Nass,
    I've been doing extensive research of my own since 1999 on the effects of the anthrax vaccine on the uterus. I've been diagnosed with atypical endometrial hyperplasia (simple or complex has not been defined). What I most recently found is that it does increase the thickness of the uterine lining causing heavy bleeding, infertility and which could lead to cancer. Most recently I found this info here: Your thoughts?

  11. Unfortunately, I have seen no data on uterine hyperplasia and anthrax vaccine, so unable to comment. MN

  12. I recieved 2 anthrax shots in 2004 along with small pox for my deployment to Qatar. When I had the second injection on the same arm as my small pox about two weeks prior i developed a golf ball sized lump painful to move arm for over a month, then develoed migraines (still ongoing), back pain, weight loss and unseen rash. Then three months later developed pancreatitis for 6 months (don't drink), stomach pain when eating, unusual thyroid numbers that doesn't match textbook conditions, then chrinic pain all over, then chronic constipation, my colon stopped working, pain in arm at injection site left upper arm, nerve pain in extremities, more pain sensitive left side of body than right, Bell's palsy left side of face, pancreatitis 2 more times lasting 3 or more months with slightly elevated numbers but as painful as if numbers are in the thousands, slowing down of intestinal tract, cold sweats when my GI system is processing food, nauseas, vertigo, nerve degenerative in brain (the front area of brain doesn't process information quickly diagnoses from physch testing for brain function, interstitial cystitis of bladder, skin sensitivity, muscle loss in legs, nerve damage on left toe, temperature issues, weight loss- can't eat solid food much because of pain and nausea. The AF won't link it to the shots at all and never told me to report it to VEARS. They were trying to prove I was making this up but couldn't and had outstanding military record. Got out in 2006 medically for chronic pain not linked to the shots or during war time. Spots on brain from MRI's found for years ago. Still doctors can't seem to diagnose me and won't say if it happened from the shot. What do you think and next steps I should take? My body is literally shutting down in the last ten years from the shot and im only 40.

    1. Check out black seed oil, and oregano extract

  13. I recieved 2 anthrax shots in 2004 along with small pox for my deployment to Qatar. When I had the second injection on the same arm as my small pox about two weeks prior i developed a golf ball sized lump painful to move arm for over a month, then develoed migraines (still ongoing), back pain, weight loss and unseen rash. Then three months later developed pancreatitis for 6 months (don't drink), stomach pain when eating, unusual thyroid numbers that doesn't match textbook conditions, then chrinic pain all over, then chronic constipation, my colon stopped working, pain in arm at injection site left upper arm, nerve pain in extremities, more pain sensitive left side of body than right, Bell's palsy left side of face, pancreatitis 2 more times lasting 3 or more months with slightly elevated numbers but as painful as if numbers are in the thousands, slowing down of intestinal tract, cold sweats when my GI system is processing food, nauseas, vertigo, nerve degenerative in brain (the front area of brain doesn't process information quickly diagnoses from physch testing for brain function, interstitial cystitis of bladder, skin sensitivity, muscle loss in legs, nerve damage on left toe, temperature issues, weight loss- can't eat solid food much because of pain and nausea. The AF won't link it to the shots at all and never told me to report it to VEARS. They were trying to prove I was making this up but couldn't and had outstanding military record. Got out in 2006 medically for chronic pain not linked to the shots or during war time. Spots on brain from MRI's found for years ago. Still doctors can't seem to diagnose me and won't say if it happened from the shot. What do you think and next steps I should take? My body is literally shutting down in the last ten years from the shot and im only 40.

  14. Call me to discuss further. See if you can tape the call, as your condition is complex and there are many avenues to pursue.

    207 412-0004

    Meryl Nass

  15. I received 6 Anthrax vaccine shots while deployed to the Persian Gulf in the Navy. A couple years later I had a pulmonary embolism. While in the hospital for the PE it was determined I have Factor V Leiden. Has there ever been research done on the effects of the vaccine on people with Factor V Leiden?

  16. Walter Reed AMC studied anthrax vaccine and blood clotting about 14 years ago. One would assume they looked into Factor V Leiden, since it is a common mutation that increases thrombosis. The Vaccine Healthcare Center is where this research was done. To my knowledge it was never published.

  17. I'm a 41y/o mal. I became I'll after receiving vaccines / during my tour in Afghanistan as a combat medic. It started with esophageal spasms, and has progressed to peripheral sensory and motor issues which are quite episodic, labs seem fine over four years, yet no definitive dx from the army or Va. I've requested an Mrs MRI with and without contrast, ASA, and testing for endogenous diseases from the middle east. My requests were downplayed and written off as ptsd. Theses episodes occur at random and without stress or triggers. The most recent lasting the last 21 days. Numbness starting in my left leg, followed by my legs giving out bilaterally and multiple falls Last week. Severe headache and fatigued to the point that walking and regular routines are interrupted. It is once again in going away with my feet still numb, and dull ache, or borderline cramping bilateral lower extremities. Cognitive problems coincide with the episodes. Loss of coordiation, memory loss, and dysnomia. I can't help but recognize most of the symptoms from working as a nurse in the civilian sector and being around multiple patients with demyelinating disorders. This all started after vaccines, and prior to seeing combat. I suspect ptsd can be ruled out. Seems to be the catch all phrase now instead of GWS.

  18. I had 6 shots and it was not until the 6th shot that I became ill about 4 months after recieving it. I was never in a combat zone nor anywhere near Itaq, i was in a squadron. Now i just read about Beu Biden, VP Biden's son passing away due to cancer. So i dug alittle more and it would appear that after he was deployed to Itaq, camp Victory, that he started to get sick..brain leasions,,and even a mild stroke...i am assuming he recieved the shot. My health has gotton soewhat better, albit slowly...i have had the muscle achs...muscle loss...stomach achs...constipation...and discolartion of my my vision suddenly changed ...howver my vision seems to be getting back to what it was...I recieved the 6th shot about 5 years ago.
    To those whom are sick keep your head up and know that it seems at least for me that over time it slowly recedes..i have found that changing my diet has helped alot..drinking green tea with ginger root helps me out alot in the morning and at night...calms me down and no violent nightmares anymore, plus my muscles seem to be responding much better i have noticed...

  19. I received 1 anthrax shot in may 2015 and since around that time I have developed symptoms such as high weightloss, body tremors, hot all the time plus sweating, high heart rate and weard heart paplutations. I went to my doctor for advice and he told me he wanted to test me for hyperthyroid. When I got the results back my levels were all screwed up. I am 32 years old and I run and workout normally, but ever since that shot all kinds of weard things have been happening, could this have caused my thyroid to to crazy?

  20. I received 5 anthrax shots, last shot was in 2004. After the 5th shot I experienced some mild side effect. I've always been a health and active individual. About 2.5 years ago I stared experience daily headaches, which later landed me in the hospital in March of 2013. 6 months later I noticed fatigue, and sore muscles. At first I just blamed it on poor diet and lack sleep. This went on for about 3+ months with no improvement, and at times worsening symptoms. In early 2014 I made in appt to see my PCM for a small dry patch under my right eye. During this visit I explained my symptoms to my PCM of fatigue, insomnia, and occasional night sweats. So he ordered a full blood work up, which resulted in mod -severe neutropenia. My current dx is autoimmune idiopathic neutropenia. About a month ago I was started on neupogen for neutrophils of 300-500 ANC. My family has also noticed some memory loss. Do you think all this could be related to anthrax vaccine?

  21. Unfortunately, there are no data about side effects that may occur so many years after anthrax vaccine. So we just don't know if there is any connection--Meryl Nass, MD

  22. In 1999 i received my anthrax shots all the way up to the yearly booster. I haven't had any more shots since 2000. I the last couple years ive developed lung issues and the doctor's can't find nothing from cat scans or mri. Could i be developing something from those shots?

  23. The documents from DMSS sent to the IOm in 2001 shoed asthma to be greater in vaccine recipients.

    An article in the journal CHEST suggested that a condition abbreviated as BOOP can be caused by anthrax vaccine--see the following discussion


  24. Dr. Nass, I received a series of Anthrax shots plus a couple boosters in 2004-2005 while in the Army. I am now 43 recently had a cancerous polyp removed from my duodenum. My Doctor found it by accident when he was checking my stomach to figure out what is causing my anemia. Any advice would be appreciated.

  25. Cancer of the duodenum is very rare. I have not seen mention of enough cases to be able to identify them as a side effect of any drug or vaccine.

    My thoughts: This can be part of a hereditary syndrome--that needs to be checked. See

    If so, you and your family will need screening every so often (of colon and duodenum)

    My other thought is that cancer of the biliary tract HAS been linked to anthrax vaccine, and might this have been a biliary or ampullary cancer rather than being a duodenal primary? It might be good to send the slides for a second opinion.

    M Nass, MD

  26. Dr Nass, I received my Anthrax shot in July 2006 prior to being deployed to Kuwait. In December that same year I was diangnosed with BPPV which I still have to this day. Could tyere be a connection?

  27. There has been no study of benign positional vertigo and anthrax vaccine, to my knowledge. That said, I have heard many complaints of vertigo after anthrax vaccine, often associated with other symptoms, like tinnitus and hearing loss.


  28. I received the injection plus all 8 boosters. I was discharged in 2004 and have had many gastrointestinal problems. After going to the Er for severe stomach pain they found three large stones and removed the organ. I have had several bacterial infections along with joint pain. Looking for advice.

  29. Stones where? Removed what organ?

    To my knowledge gallstones are unrelated to anthrax vaccine and are exceedingly common. The treatment is cholecystectomy (removal of gallbladder) which should not cause much impairment.


  30. Dr. Nass,
    The latest issue of Disabled American Veterans (DAV, 2016) had an article "Toxic exposure in Iraq causes breast cancer." In the article the author wrote that Michael Michelotti, a DAV National Service Office supervisor, and the VA claimant, Dr. T. Danielle Russell, "pointed to a number of credible studies that show findings of a statistical association between the anthrax vaccine and the development of multiple cysts and especially breast cancer." The article never cited those studies and I have yet to find the studies to which they referred. Do you have any ideas?

  31. I was in the Marines from 1998 to 2002 and received the mandatory anthrax vaccines of 5 doses, along with many others including yellow fever and typhoid. Prior to going into the service, I had mononucleosis as a teenager. In 2012, I experienced optic neuritis and was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I experienced symptoms during the time I was in the service including joint pain, headache, fever, sore throat, weakness, calf pain, rash, numbness, tingling, weakness, arthralgia, and a bout of severe depression within the presumptive seven year period of time following discharge. Could there be any link between the vaccines, the prior history of mononucleosis and my multiple sclerosis?

  32. I received the shots all the way through the booster in 1999. After separating in 2000 I discovered a mas on my right muscle. Autopsy revealed a "sack" that had jell like substance. After the samples making it to a few places with no results they finally ended up at university of Flordia where I was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. Went through the whole nine yards (chemo and radiation) and have been clear since. Any chance this is connected to the vaccine?

  33. I am responing to 3 comments from the past 2 weeks here.

    1. Although I am unaware of evidence of rhabdomyosarcoma linked to anthrax vaccine, cats may develop a sarcoma after vaccinations, so the possibility seems reasonable.

    2. Breast cancer rates were elevated after anthrax vaccinations, according to data provided to the Institute of Medicine in 2002 by the Army, and which I often cite. Several hundred pages were provided and they should be available at the IOM library.

    3. Optic neuritis was linked to anthrax vaccine by myself and others. MS was linked to anthrax vaccine as a "red flag" deserving further consideration by the IOM in its 2002 report on anthrax vaccine.

    4. I have no knowledge of how mononucleosis (caused by EB Virus) might link to MS, but since EB Virus is linked to Burkitt's Lymphoma and other diseases, I would not rule it out.

    M Nass, MD

  34. I was in the AF from 1995-2007. I am a female and received 5 anthrax vaccine injections. After the third injection I had a sudden reaction of dizziness, tingling up and down the arm they jabbed and tunnel vision. I had basically started to faint. They had me sit for 2 hours until it passed and claimed I was good to go. After that injection I started to get really fatigued, and developed very shaky hands. I also began to have painful gastric episodes after eating. Like, on the floor rocking because of the stabbing pain. This lasted on and off for about 3-4 years. Stomach pains happened at least 3 times a week. I also experienced only what I can explain as not being able to breath fully. Gasping for asthma episodes. I had never experienced these things before and I didn't have asthma! I went to the doctor on base and each time was basically told nothing was wrong. The breathing episodes stopped around the same time the stomach pains stopped..about 3-4 years after my last injection. I also had horrible migraines during this time...I still get them occasionally. I never equated these things with the vaccine till now. You know, I actually knew someone who developed MS out of nowhere after deploying several times and getting the booster. I always wondered if it was related. He seemed so healthy prior to his diagnosis. I now have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, but not sure that is related.

  35. Asthma can be a consequence of anthrax vaccine, according to the DMSS data. Headaches, fatigue and GI pains are also common in my experience.


  36. While I am still in the Army at 55 yrs old and have taken Anthrax injections in the past, I was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer and will have an operation within a month. Is there any new information that links Anthrax injections to prostate cancer and do you know if the VA has granted any disability benefits for prostate cancer based on Anthrax vaccinations?

  37. Re prostate cancer: interesting question, since prostate cancer has been linked to agent orange. And breast and cervical cancer were linked to anthrax vaccine.

    I have no knowledge of prostate cancer and anthrax vaccine. I think you are the first person to contact me with this diagnosis.


  38. Hello, I served in the army from 2001-2005: deployments to both Afghanistan and Iraq. Before going to Afghanistan, I was apparently pregnant, but it was too soon for me to know, so I proceeded to get all vaccinations including anthrax during the early stages of pregnancy. Upon entering in country, I was required to take malaria pills. I discovered I was pregnant 3 weeks into deployment and was immediately sent home. During pregnancy it was discovered I had HPV. my daughter was born without any complications. After she was born, I was sent to Iraq when she was 3 months old. I came home for Christmas leave mid deployment, and became pregnant again. I didn't find out I was pregnant until I returned to IRAQ. I ended up having to stay in Iraq longer than expected because the first Iraqi elections. I am scared if I was exposed to anything during my pregnancies in these countries not only due to vaccinations but any environmental exposure. Since getting out of the army in 2005, I have experience strange menstrual cycles and extreme pain. I have had several cysts rupture. VA Doctors tried various Birth control methods but made conditions worse. FOr years I kept going to the regular ER because they actually gave me answers and the help I needed. I ended up having a solid cyst growing inside my uterus that was 3 inches big in radius causing me a lot of pain. I had to fight the VA and called the VA patient advocacy to have the surgery to have it removed. They said the solid mass was not cancerous but I do have endometriosis which caused it. I do not trust this doctor. I also had an ectopic pregnancy in 2012. This same doctor said I was just having a miscarriage. My tube almost ruptured if I didn't go to the regular ER. I feel very strongly that all of these issues is from the vaccinations. I am trying to get disability for it.

    What can I do, what do you think are my options? Anything would be appreciated.

  39. US Navy 1984-1988 Received anthrax vaccine at least once to my knowledge. Not recorded in medical record. After decades of fatigue finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2011. Latest studies have shown FM is a neurological condition. Even though I have always believed my fatigue and subsequent pain were the result of my service, with no substantial connection I had attributed my fatigue to laziness, depression, childhood mental health trauma, colds, pregnancy, and motherhood. I did not seek medical care most of the time for my fatigue except as necessary for the outward demonstrations of the illness, ie: anti-depressants for depression. What documentation is available for me to present a case of disability due to the anthrax vaccine? As I am also in Maine, do you collaborate with Togus VA or DAV at Togus? I have also had a benign breast cyst, abnormal paps, multiple miscarriages, and uterine hyperplasia.

  40. First, I know of no way to prove you got anthrax vaccine if it was not in your record. Anthrax vaccine was not routinely given in the 1980s though a few service-members received it, mostly those working at Fort Detrick.

    The way you prove a service connection, as you may know, is to show you had the symptoms while on active duty. Then, if you can show you had fibromyalgia symptoms then and still have them, you may receive a service connection whether or not anthrax vaccine is involved.

    No, I am not employed by the VA.


  41. I am a 39 yr old female who has been out of the Army since 1998. During a deployment, I received the first of multiple anthrax vaccine. I always had an adverse reaction with them and felt like I had a golf ball sized lump in my arm for over a year. Since 2010, my health problems have become horrific. A thermal ablation done that less than 3 months later, my Dr said it was like he never did it. A bladder suspension where the mesh eroded inside. A hysterectomy where sutures dissolved. A gallbladder that had to come out immediately, even though a month prior there was nothing wrong with it. Now, I have to be rechecked because they found precancerous polyps in my colon. I also have psoriasis horribly, although no one in my family ever has. And now I suffer from chronic pancreatitis. They have no idea why. It's not hereditary, I don't drink, and my gallbladder is gone. I've had numerous people ask if it could be due to getting the anthrax vaccine and I'm really starting to wonder myself.

  42. Women were more affected than men by adverse reactions to anthrax vaccine.

    That said, I cannot assess you from a distance.

    Chronic pancreatitis may also occur as a result of damage incurred from your cholecystectomy or from medications.

    Colon polyps may be hereditary, if they are many, or arise in most Americans if few. Routine colonoscopies will provide more than 50% protection from colon cancer.


  43. I am a 34 year old male that received a 6 shot series of anthrax vaccine for my 2011 deployment to afghanistan. Each shot i received gave me progressively worse side effects. The last two required me to be sent home due to the migraines, pain at injection site, dizziness, sensitivity to light, and joint pain. The final shot lasted for 2 days. I am now being treated for depression, anxiety, ptsd, ibs, gerd, barrets esophogus, hashimotos thyroiditis, and persistent migraines. Have any of these things been found to be associated with anthrax vaccination?

  44. In addition to my previous problems, i also have low testosterone and low cortisol levels. Which i find strange since i am 34 and have anxiety and stress disorders. My cortisol should be high if anything?

    1. The majority of men I treated had low testosterone levels and required replacement. I'm not going to comment about Cortisol because measuring it and interpreting it is complicated

  45. in the people I have treated, migraines, thyroiditis IBS GERD and psych issues have been very common

  46. Dr. Nass,

    I e-mailed you tonight about my low T. I am trying to provide my PCM any info in regards to low t, Hypogonadism, and testicular inflammation in regards to the Anthrax shots. She has not heard of this before and I want to make sure that this is addressed. I have received 6 shots. More info in the e-mail I sent to your gmail. Thank you.



    Low testosterone aka hypogonadism has been found to be common in male patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, Gulf War Syndrome and anthrax vaccine- related illness, in my experience. There are several articles detailing endocrine disorders in Gulf War Syndrome and CFS. There is less about anthrax vaccine, since independent researchers have never had access to data (or access to do clinical trials) on anthrax vaccine recipients.


  48. Had series of Anthrax vaccinations in 1999 for med deployment. Just recently went into ICU with bilateral pulmonary Embolisms and DVT right leg.No family history of any such events. Doctors have no idea why or how this happened. I'm in pretty decent shape except some lower back pain and depression/ anxiety. Has there been any instances or correlation between Anthrax vaccine and pulmonary Embolisms/ Blood clots.

  49. I have a very similar story to "February 21, 2017 at 10:35 AM". I had the Anthrax vaccine in 1996 for a deployment to the Persian Gulf. 5 years later I had a bilateral pulmonary embolism. I was medically discharged from the Navy but not retired after a 14 year career. You and I aren't the only ones, check out this article:

  50. I think there is a connection. Here are the reasons:

    1. The IOM book on anthrax vaccine (titled "Anthrax Vaccine: Is it Safe? Does it Work?") mentions, in the text, that there was a higher rate of "acute pulmonary heart disease" in soldiers after receiving anthrax vaccine.

    That terminology is odd, not commonly used in medicine (the term they used is acute pulmonary heart disease) and I think it was meant to disguise acute pulmonary embolisms.

    2. I know of multiple cases of people who developed blood clots in legs after anthrax vaccine, and several who were found to have APLA (anti phospholipid antibody syndrome) when their blood clots were investigated.

    3. While I cannot say that anthrax vaccine causes APLA, some pharmaceutical drugs do, especially those that trigger autoimmune conditions. Autoimmune diseases are associated with APLA. And APLA causes blood clots. So it is possible it is triggered by anthrax vaccine. According to the Mayo Clinic website the following are associated with APLA:

    Having an autoimmune condition, such as systemic lupus erythematosus or Sjogren's syndrome
    Having certain infections, such as syphilis, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C or Lyme disease
    Taking certain medications, such as hydralazine for high blood pressure, the heart rhythm-regulating medication quinidine, the anti-seizure medication phenytoin (Dilantin) and the antibiotic amoxicillin

  51. Hello,
    I just happened to stumble on this site by accident trying to figure out why I had two huge painful lumps in my chest behind my "man nipples" & six huge cysts on my body. I went through a series of Anthrax from 2008-2009 for a 15-month rotation in Baghdad, Iraq, then again in 2015-2016 for a Kuwait rotation, and continue today for my tour in Korea. They seem to be getting bigger and more painful as time goes on. I first started noticing them in 2011, but had them looked at in 2013. As with military protocol, they were dismissed, but they are now starting to concern me as I've been told twice in the last month I need wear a bra. I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I'm 180lbs w/~14% body fat. I spend an excess of 10 hrs/week exercising & the size of these things in my chest have only got larger. Has there been links concerning my conditions and the Anthrax vaccine? Is there any need for me to be concerned? Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks & have a wonderful day!

  52. While there are many causes of "lumps" and I cannot diagnose you from afar, back in 1998-2000 many servicemembers did get unusual cystic lesions after receiving anthrax vaccinations.

    I guessed they were due to impurities in the old lots, some of which were contaminated. This was never proven.

    The vaccine was then cleaned up, and I stopped hearing reports of these cysts/lesions.

  53. Dr. Nass,

    I had looked into this subject a couple times in the past few years, but this is the first time I have come across this site. I was in the Marine Corps from Oct 2000 until I was medically Retired Oct 2007. I was apart of the Marine Corps 4th MEB (AT) and received in the upwards of 15+ anthrax vaccinations due to "loss of records", "not remembering who received them", etc... There was always an excuse as to why we were continuously receiving so many. A lot of us finally refused to accept anymore of them. In 2003, I was exposed to Sarin on my left hand, I was decontaminated and wen through protocols, but was never monitored for some affects afterward. I also received a double dose of small pox vaccine on my second vaccine because the first one didn't leave a scar that the doc could visually see. For the last 3+ years I started having extreme nerve pain in my lower spine. It moved into my Sacrum, then up my Lumbar and into my hips. It started on the left side and progressed then started on the right. Today I have severe pain from my tail bone into upper Lumbar/ lower Thoracic. I get spasms in my thoracic that makes it hard to breath at times. I have had the exact same pain in my right shoulder as I did in my hip, at its onset in that area, and now limits my rotation/ flexibility, that has been ongoing now for the last 5-6 months. Over night, my hands and fingers feel like they were run over by a truck, filled with inflammation, and is hard to move my fingers. I usually just push through the pain and continue stretching and using them. After 20 min or so the pain goes away.
    Bottom line, the doctors dont know what is wrong and why I'm deteriorating, Im waiting on a Neurologist to contact me just for an appointment. I go through civilians because I can't stand my VA. My lab test came back as having signs for cancer, but my Mri's didn't show any signs. They're not sure why my tests show it, but there is nothing visible. The only places they have found that could possibly be cancer were all benign. VA just wanted to send me to physical therapy rather than screenings and MRI's... which is why I refuse to go there anymore. Is there a possibility that the number of anthrax vaccines I received has caused these problems? From all the research I have done, while maintaining skepticism and an academic perception, the only thing that I can connect everything to is chemically induced Adult-SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy). Im not one to jump to conclusions and have only presented this as a theory that my doctors agree with and the reason I am waiting on a Neurologist appointment. Thank you for any help and information you can provide.

  54. Many people with whom I've been in contact I've developed severe, odd pains which I think are due to the vaccine

    Since you have no diagnosis I cannot say much more.

  55. Sheila EngellennerAugust 1, 2017 at 2:39 AM

    My son received the anthrax shots while in the Marines for deployment. In 2015 his gallbladder was removed and in April of 2017 has bladder cancer. The cancer was scraped from his bladder and has now come back. Could any of this be related to anthrax? He is a 37 year old male.

  56. Cancers of the biliary tree and gallbladder were noted to occur more commonly in those who received anthrax vaccine.

    I have not heard of bladder cancers being implicated.

    However, bladder cancers are linked to toxic chemical exposures and to chronic inflammation from infections such as schistosomiasis (aka bilharzia)

    Smoking and radiation are other risk factors for bladder cancer. It is very unusual to get it so young.


  57. Dr. Nass,

    In 1997/1998, I was pretty much forced to receive the Anthrax Vaccine. Since leaving the Army in 1998, I have suffered from chronic migraines, as well as spinal problems that I first attributed to an accident I was involved in in 2001, but have since been told could not have been caused by a rear-end collision. My question is this...has there been any link between the vaccine and chronic migraines or skeletal degeneration?

  58. Definitely there has been a link between anthrax vaccine and migraines, or severe headaches.

    You used the words "skeletal degeneration" which could mean many different things. If you would be more specific about the diagnosis I could answer it better.

    Meryl Nass

  59. I have been diagnosed with desicated disc disease, broad-base bulging, schmorl's nodes, conjoined nerve roots, sciatica, narrowing spinal canal, have suffered severe dental degeneration (no matter how well I stay on top of it) and there are a few other spinal issues I don't remember off the top of my head. All of my issues are in the lumbar region, which is why some doctors have told me it was most likely not caused by my accident, and I did not exhibit anything prior to service.

  60. The diagnoses you gave me are nonspecific, and most of them are commonly seen in the general population. Therefore I am Not able to comment about whether anthrax vaccine causes or contributes to them.

    Some of them are just x-ray findings. But migraines, and chronic pain syndromes in general, I've been seen much more commonly in golf war veterans and in my experience, in anthrax vaccine recipients

  61. I am a 39 year old Navy veteran who received the Anthrax vaccine in 1998 prior and during our Westpac Persian gulf deployment . I got out of the navy in 2000 and since have been diagnosed with "Sarcoidosis-autoimmune” asthma, joint pain, neck pain, I have high liver enzymes, protein in my urine, kidney stones and low testosterone. Can the vaccine be linked to any of these?

  62. I am a 42 yo pre menopausal woman that was just diagnosed with endometrial adenocarcinoma. I received 5 anthrax shots, the first being in June 2007 prior to deploying to Iraq. I've always had a heavy flow on my cycle but was diagnosed iron deficient anemic in 2011 and require to have uterine cryoablation to deploy to Afghanistan. I've been retired 3 years now and due to my increased flow had the cryoablation procedure redone. Luckily the Gyn did an endometrial biopsy during the procedure just prior to the freezing and it can back positive for cancer. This cancer is mostly seen in post menopausal (55 and older) women. My first thought was burn pit exposure as I was in Balad and one of my duties in Afghan was to burn our FOB trash. After reading above I have serious questions about anthrax vaccine being the cause. What are your thoughts?

  63. Dr. Nass. I received 6 shots starting in 1998 and have been diagnosed with multiple lipoma and they don't seem to stop. I have had 6 removed but I have upwards of of 50 now and some that are now starting to be painful. Do you think this could be from the 6 shots I received ? Thanks, Brian Hathaway

  64. My husband & I both received the full course of Anthrax inoculations. I also took P tabs during Desert storm. We lost our 3 year old daughter to Neuroblastoma. I would like to know if any statics have been kept on the offspring of Veterans who have been born with birth defects, illnesses & those that passed from cancer? I have personally known quite a few.

  65. Dr. Nass, I have a question on the research of illnesses or diseases related to Anthrax, where can it be found. my symptoms are dizziness, ringing in the ears, headaches, limbs going numb, blurred vision, and restlessness to name some. I went to Saudi Arabia for two months and then received the first series of Anthrax. The final shot was in June of 2000 and in August i was hospitalized with Diveticulitus in the small intestine. The military never linked it to Anthrax as I was in the Guard In 2010 I received another booster of Anthrax and my Smallpox shot and started throwing blood clots. My MEB paperwork states that there can be correlation between the anthrax and my issue but not allowed to use the VA for GWS as the second time I never made it to the Gulf. Dr. Nass are there studies that are linking GWS to the Anthrax? Is there a study that looks at all that received the immunization that never went to the Gulf?

  66. We have a lot to talk about. Please call me NEXT WEEK or the week after at 207 412-0004 ET evenings since there is too much to write in a comment.

  67. Here is a link to Lea Steele's 2000 article in which she shows that Gulf War era veterans who got a series of vaccinaes in preparation for the GW, but were not deployed, had rates of GWS higher than the group unvaccinated, but lower than the deployed, vaccinated GW vets.

  68. Dr Nass,

    I am a 37 year old female who was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer in June of 2016. That now has spread to my lung and lymph nodes. Could this be a result of the anthrax vaccine i received in the 2000? I was told by a friend that cervical cancer has been linked to the anthrax vaccine before? My doctor said she has never heard of this before?

  69. I retired in 2016 i had 4 antrax shots
    I since was diagnosed with ibs,sibo,prostatitis, weight gain Last year I was diagnosed with cystic lung diseases blood clot issues they think the lung disease is lip or lam which woul be very rare if lam as i am male
    I had to quit my job recently due to lung disease I am a never smoker


    According to the data available in 2001, in a small number of women, the sum of both "in situ" breast and genitourinary carcinomas was greater after anthrax vaccine. This is very surprising to doctors, who never link vaccinations with cancer. And even more surprising since cervical cancer is due to HPVirus.

    However, a few vaccines have caused cancers in dogs and cats. So it is not absurd to think they might.

    'In situ' means without spread, just localized to the place of origin.

    There are no data available regarding a) cancers occurring more than a couple of years after vaccination, b) cancers that have spread, or c) separating cervical cancer from other genitourinary or breast cancers.

    So it may be that your cervical cancer is linked to the vaccine, but the data that were made available to the public in 2001 are not broken down in a way that I can say so. The military could use their much more extensive database (collected over 20 years of anthrax vaccinations) to give us the answer, but I doubt they will.

    Meryl Nass, MD

  71. i was forced to get the anthrax shots at ft Campbell 99-01, on the list for the contaminated vaccines location.. almost immediately after the shots i developed a large cyst on my neck. it was cut open at the local tmc and has been enlarging and draining regularly since then. causing problems with employment. is it possible that the cyst was a result of vaccine? i have many possible effects..but thats the only one im referring to now. thank you

  72. Many people got cysts from the dirtiest, early lots used before 2002. The so-called cysts (lumps) may have been due to impurities in the vaccine--they were rather bizarre, not reported in any medical literature as a vaccine side effect before.

    But I do not know what happened to the people who got them and whether they persisted or recurred after removal.

  73. also in addition to my bilateral pulmonary embolism, I have had cysts removed from my body as well. Something fishy going on with those Anthrax Vaccines...There's a reason why the govt stopped making them mandatory.

  74. Was in from July 2001-Feb 2002, received the anthrax shot in bootcamp, 15 years later Im diagnosed with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, the worst case possible.... Im forgotten about, to die at home slowly with no one to help, my husband to, sad for us veterans.

  75. Like Jennifer Roby I recieved anthrax series shots in 2004 for my deployment to Iraq. When I had the second vaccine injection, I developed a marble sized lump near my clavical and it was painful to wear strapped equipment, I also subsequently developed migraines (still ongoing), back pain, and unseen rash. After returning home, after experiencing disturbing increase in weight and chronic fatigue I was noted to have unusual thyroid numbers by my civilian provider and diagnosed to be hypothyroid (also which I continue to receive treatment for), within one year of redeploying a second time from Iraq after experiencing, fatigue, heart medication for thickened walls and anemia, I was finally diagnosed with colorectal adenocarcinoma at age 50 (which was later determined to have already be metastatic spread to lungs, liver and eventually brain). Although I reported the initial clavical lump to military providers, I do know if it was entered into VEARS system in 2004, as I was vaccinated that time in Germany during a pre-deployment tactical exercise. I was finally medically discharged in 2013 because of the cancer, and I now have a 12-24 month prognosis.

  76. served in the AF from 2004-2011. Received vaccine before deploying to UAE in 2008. Vaccine in 2007 I believe, have to look up documentation.

    * Developed pain in left testicle and diagnosed hydrocele in 2007.

    * Showed signs of chronic fatigue in service

    * Developed muscular (lower right extremity, calf/ankle) while in one could diagnose...prevented me from running like I needed muscles in the front of my calf on right side of my shin bone would bulge, get painfully tight and feel like they were going to explode. Ankle joints felt like they were going to break. Was an athlete my entire life and never had any issues. (age 32)

    * Developed low T and ED in 2012 after discharge (age 35)

    * Developed peripheral neuropathy in 2012 at age 35 in both lower feet (now has spread to my hands and up my legs (glove and stocking) year after separating from AF.

    * Tested for MS due to neurological issues and balance problems (negative diagnosis, but found small lesions on brain) at age 38

    * Developed DM2 in 2016 at age 40 (4 years after my neuropathy started)...current neuro says my neuropathy is from my Diabetes, even though I was diagnosed years after onset and currently live in the pre-diabetic range since diagnosis on A1C.

    * Hands are currently becoming weak (assume from the nerve damage)

    * Lap Chole in 2017...triglycerides spiked to 2800 now hover around 1000 on meds. Never been this high in my life and I'm only 10 pounds heavier than I was on AD. Digestive issues started about 2012....GERD diagnosed in 2016 and have issues with bowels where I'm almost incontinent at times (daily if not weekly bouts of diarrhea)

    Have had several nerve studies...last one in 2018 showed significant nerve damage in legs and I said balance is becoming an issue. Muscles in hands and legs constantly twitching.

    No one has any answers. My current PCP was an AF doc for 25+ years...he doesn't think my nerve issues are from DM2. He says it doesn't fit the timeline or my A1C numbers.

    Just spinning my wheels with doc appts and no answers

  77. I served as a firefighter in the Air Force. I took the Anthrax vaccine 6 times between the years of 1998-2000. After my 4th shot which came from Lot 041 I had a adverse reaction. My whole body broke out with rashes and lesions. It is documented in my medical records yet at the time the doctors at Tripler Medical Center said my breakout was due to my "laundry detergent." I was ordered to continue with the shot and got the next two. It has been years later and my body still breaks out till this day. I have seen doctors at the VA and even a Dermatologist yet nobody wants to say its a cause of the Anthrax vaccine. Do I have a argument or case here Dr. Nass? They say it's due to sweat. I applied for a service connection and was diagnosed with Seborrheic Dermatitis and Folliculitis, asymptomatic and granted service connection at 0%. I am beyond frustrated at this point!!

  78. Rashes (if that is the only problem) are tough. If the rashes truly are due to folliculitis and/or seborrheic dermatitis, (and are not being misdiagnosed) well, those are very common rashes and not believed to be disabling.

    But I have no information on whether anthrax vaccine makes you more susceptible to getting them.

    Sometimes you need a biopsy to determine the rash--but a dermatologist should be able to diagnose both of those just by looking.

  79. I was in the Marine Corps from 99-04 and deployed to the gulf for OIF. I received the anthrax vaccine and small pox vaccine before being deployed. I was diagnosed with testicular cancer in 06 just after getting out, but still in reserves. I am working on a VA claim now. Is anthrax linked to testicular cancer?
