Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Now the NIH and major media are dribbling out some pandemic truths within a continued fog of confusion/ WaPo


I.  NIH research published today finds antibody evidence of SARS-2 infection in US earlier than previously thought.

1.  Why did it take NIH so long to do this experiment, or perhaps to tell us?  These antibody tests take only a few minutes to perform. The blood was drawn more than 15 months ago.

2.  Why is NIH relying on these 2 antibodies in 9 individuals as evidence of Covid infection, but will not let a single US person use them as evidence of prior infection and immunity?

“A participant was considered seropositive if they tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies on the Abbott Architect SARS-CoV-2 IgG ELISA and the EUROIMMUN SARS-CoV-2 ELISA in a sequential testing algorithm. Sensitivity and specificity of the Abbott and EUROIMMUNE ELISAs and the net sensitivity and specificity of the sequential testing algorithm were estimated with 95% confidence intervals.”

3.  The old excuse that we don’t know how long immunity lasts has been crushed by the data from several studies.  Perhaps unsurprisingly, one of avuncular Tony Fauci’s early emails said he expected immunity to be long-lasting.  But Americans were told lies to push the vaccine program and keep people frightened of Covid even after they had recovered and were immune.

II. “The NIH report states that the CDC testing guidelines early in the pandemic had a narrow focus: Only people who had been in contact with a person confirmed to have an infection, or who had traveled to an area known to have coronavirus transmission, were advised to be tested.”

1.  What the WaPo fails to make clear is that the test for Covid–the only test permitted to be used by federal agencies–from January 1 until early March, was grossly inaccurate.  CDC knew this.  To cover it up, they allowed only a tiny number of people to get tested during this period, virtually restricting testing to those who already had a confirmatory clinical picture.

2.  This CDC coverup had terrible consequences, possibly intended.  It gave the infection 2 months to spread through the US and become established via community transmission.

3.  By this time, the tracing of contacts to control the epidemic had already been made obsolete.  There was way too much unidentified spread happening.  Track and trace does not work when most infections are asymptomatic.

4.  It is conceivable that CDC keeps claiming that the vast majority of infection have symptoms in order to justify the many billions of dollars travelling through CDC’s hands for the track and trace program, which is still active.

5.  The program cannot possibly work to control the pandemic at this late stage.  The only purpose to use track and trace now is to obtain data on citizens’ social networks.

III. Seven of 9 persons whose blood tested positive for antibodies were black or Hispanic.  Therefore the authors are concerned about possibly increased susceptibility in minority populations.

Aha!  Now we know why this story was dribbled out now.  To scare black and Hispanic Americans into vaccination.

*This work was supported by the National Institute of Health, Office of the Director, and the National Cancer Institute.


  1. Terrible. When does it all slow down? Let alone stop?

  2. This whole “the vaccine IS the Pandemic” sh)t sh@w is irrefutable proof the the economics are completely distorting the practice of healthcare in America.

    All the parties in control are clearly in it for the money. FDA/CDC/NIH/NIAID are each 100% compromised, and their actions constitute chargeable criminal offenses, subject to significant jail time, or death.

    The guilty are, and should be, trying to pass bricks right about now. The “science”has caught up with this crowd. Virologist, medical doctors, research scientist, and many others have already provided 100% proof of the medical fraud engaged in by FDA/CDC/NIH/NIAID, and the medical coverup to hide it.

    Let’s not forget the ground game conducted by Pfizer and Moderna. They conjured up a witches brew that kills people, some almost immediately, and the rest over time. Their buddies run cover, especially Fredo Fauci. He smiles and snarls his way through completely disingenuous testimony, covering for the unimaginable death directly caused by these mRNA procedures.

    But the boys and girls have forgotten one important fact - it’s their hands that are dirty. Hahn/Walensky/Collins/Fauci are collectively responsible for:

    >>Calling something a vaccine - when it is really a medical procedure called gene-editing. Requires a completely different approval process under FDA rules.

    >>No patients being tested for T-Cell immunity before being injected with a vaccine that may be especially dangerous to them due to ADE.

    >>Known Covid 19 survivors being told to take a no-benefit vaccine that may kill them from ADE.

    >>Pregnant women being told the vaccine is safe, but then losing their babies.

    >>The young and others being hit with blood clots post injection.

    >>The vaccine includes a spike protein that is itself a toxin - which is being injected to every mRNA vaccine recipient.

    >>The “vaccine” bio-distribution sending the dangerous spike protein throughout the body, to the brain, spleen, heart, ovaries, testes, and bone marrow. In other words, the vaccine recipients have been injected with the very toxins that will definitely shorten their lives, and will also make them sterile. Once the rest of America catches up to this reality, all hell will break loose - even from the Democrats.

    Then, when the intense heat hits the political class, Hahn/Walensky/Collins/Fauci will be cannon fodder. Even if this collection of boot lickers was following orders, they will be thrown under the bus in a heartbeat. Re-election for the pols always comes first - even before the Gates from Hell /Davos agenda.

    For Hahn/Walensky/Collins/Fauci - strip them of their ill-gotten wealth, then put them in jail.
