Sunday, March 15, 2020

Dutch corona patients in intensive care units: 'More than half are under fifty'

Today there are between forty and fifty corona patients in critical condition on Dutch intensive care units. “More than half of those patients are under fifty years old. There are also young people. "" That says chairman of the Dutch Association for Intensive Care (NVIC) Diederik Gommers, in an interview with this site. 

The specialist explains that it also regularly occurs with regular flu that younger people end up in intensive care. "You can see that with the flu: those people get serious double-sided pneumonia." In addition, the elderly also choose not to be treated in intensive care. 

16 year old

A  16-year-old boy  from Breda is infected with the coronavirus and is currently in the intensive care unit of the Erasmus MC-Sophia Children's Hospital. His family calls on the whole of the Netherlands: "Wake up and take this virus seriously."
The IC specialist also says that admissions to intensive care because of the Covid-19 virus can take weeks. ,, In Erasmus there are two patients who have been on respiration for three weeks now. All other patients in the intensive care unit are shorter there. ''
Dutch doctors have also been informed about patients from Lombardy, Italy, who confirm data that young and relatively healthy people are also affected by the corona virus. ,, The youngest intubated Covid-19 patient is a girl of 16 years old. Two children with Covid-19 were admitted to the pediatric IC for observation but did not require additional therapy, '' the information circulated among Dutch physicians says. The first patient in that Italian region to receive a ventilator was ventilated for eighteen days, while he was relatively healthy. "It was a 38-year-old, otherwise very healthy man, who ran marathons for this."

Main risk factor for obesity

The average age of all covid-19 ic patients in Lombardy, Italy, was 70 years, according to which 'the main risk factor for ic uptake is obesity'. According to that information, the transmission of corona from mother to unborn children seems to 'not take place'. ,, This is based on three positively tested mothers (all incidentally complaint-free) who gave birth to a child which tested negative for covid-19. The same was observed in China, '' according to the information distributed to Dutch specialists based on the Italian region. 

Rest and control

According to Gommers, it is 'busy' in the Netherlands for the departments for the most seriously ill patients, who need continuous care and monitoring, 'but because precautions have been taken, it is still possible'. “I have had both Den Bosch and Amphia in Breda on the line today. There is peace and control . ''
According to the chairman of the IC doctors in the Netherlands, there are currently 'about forty to fifty people in intensive care units, that is the position this morning'. “In Breda, for example, the large intensive care units have between eight to ten patients. That is about 30 percent of the total capacity. It is therefore a little less busy than I initially expected, '' admits the chairman of the intensive care association, who warned that after this weekend not only  the Brabant but also the Rotterdam intensive care would fill up . 

1 comment:

  1. New Quarantine Rule Does not Target Tourists Only Citizens While Both Groups Traveling Together on Jet Arrivals .
    That makes sense for contagious pandemic.

    Europe Airlines Continue US flights
    14 day Quarantine on Enclosed Jet Arrivals only for local citizens not tourists

    Icelandair to Continue Flying to Four US Cities
    Nature and Travel Iceland Monitor Thu 12 Mar 2020
    Icelandair CEO Bogi Nils Bogason. Magnússon
    Icelandair will keep flying to four US destination during the 30-day travel ban, imposed by the US on travel from Europe, starting at midnight tomorrow, reports.

    The airline will transport passengers who are US citizens and others to whom the ban does not apply. This was just announced by the airline.

    Icelandair will continue flying to New York, Chicago, Seattle and Washington, D.C. Service to Boston, Denver, Minneapolis and Orlando will be canceled during the ban, but flights from Orlando and Denver to Iceland on Saturday will be on schedule.

    All flights to European countries will remain on schedule.

    New Quarantine Rule Does not Target Tourists Only Citizens While Both Groups Traveling Together on Jet Arrivals
    Nature and Travel
    Iceland Monitor
    Thu 19 Mar 2020

    Chief Epidemiologist Þórólfur Guðnason has announced that as of today
    March 19, all Icelandic citizens and permanent residents of Iceland returning to Iceland from abroad must be quarantined for 14 days, regardless of where they are arriving from.

    Until today, Icelanders coming from a limited number of countries only, defined as high risk areas for catching COVID-19, have been subjected to quarantine, but such is no longer the case. Right now, all travel outside of Iceland is considered to pose a high risk of infection.

    Excluded from the quarantine are flight crews and cargo ship crews.

    Tourists coming from abroad will not be quarantined, and at a press conference yesterday, Þórólfur stated that in his opinion, it is the right thing to do not to target tourists, since doing so would be very costly.

    At the press conference, Chief Superintendent Víðir Reynisson explained that flight crews and cargo ship crews are exempt from the quarantine to ensure continued transportation to the country. He stressed that crew members take precautionary measures to avoid infection and that their health is monitored closely. Besides, they generally spend a short time in risk areas, he added.

    Calling Witch Doctors, Oh My as well, no pills that known work, if did to supply how long before to make pills available?

    New hit song, My Corona
